Formoreinformation,type:"Get-Help Get-Command -Detailed" For technical information,type:"Get-Help Get-Command -Full" For online help,type:"Get-Help Get-Command -Online" 可见警告的消息不见了!可以用Get-Help Get-Command -Examples等命令获取更为详细的帮助了!
1. 可用以下命令获取 Service相关命令。 Get-Command *-Service 2. 通过Get-Help命令获取某个Service的帮助文件 Get-Help Get-Service 3. 直接看例子 Get-help Get-Service -examples 4. 找到合适的例子参照这敲 Get-Service *SQL* 5. 如果实在知道输入什么参数,可以如下输入后选择查看。 Get-Help * 另外,可...
当当当当不用怕有get-help,不知道是谁谁谁说来着一个出色的系统管理员不是凭空想办法,办法是man出来的。这句话我验证过,我们部门有好多linux大拿,上次让他们之中一个哥们帮助解决一个问题,其实他也没接触过,就是各种man命令敲来敲去最后问题就给解决了。。。 所以建议好多初学者可以先学会get-help使用方法,不...
Methods {Terminate, AttachDebugger, Create, GetOwner…} (Get-WmiHelp Win32_Bios).Description The Win32_BIOS class represents the attributes of the computer system’s basic input/output services (BIOS) that are installed on the computer. (Get-WmiHelp Win32_Process).Methods.Create The Create me...
Full Functionality Name Online Parameter Path PSCommandName Role ShowWindow GetJob GetModule GetPSSession GetPSSessionConfiguration NewModuleManifest NewPSTransportOption ReceiveJob RegisterPSSessionConfiguration RemoveJob RemovePSSession ResumeJob SaveHelp SetPSSessionConfiguration StartJob StopJob SuspendJob Test...
You need to be assigned permissions before you can run this cmdlet. Although this topic lists all parameters for the cmdlet, you may not have access to some parameters if they're not included in the permissions assigned to you. To find the permissions re
Get-UserLockCommand [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] DescriptionThe Get-UserLockCommand cmdlet gets basic information about cmdlets and other elements of UserLock PowerShell commands in the session, such as aliases, functions, filters, scripts, and applications. Get-UserLockCommand gets its ...
Εγγραφή τώρα Κλείσιμοειδοποίησης Learn Ανακάλυψη Τεκμηρίωσηπροϊόντος Γλώσσες ανάπτυξης Θέματα Είσοδος ...
Lists the relevant Azure diagnostics and solutions using problemClassification API) AND resourceUri or resourceType.<br/> Discovery Solutions is the initial entry point within Help API, which identifies relevant Azure diagnostics and solutions. We
Syntax Get-UserLockMessage[-Name <string[]>][-UserLockServerName <string>][<CommonParameters>] Description The Get-UserLockMessage cmdlet gets the customizable messages displayed to users. Caution: PowerShell 3.0 is required. Parameters -Name <string[]> ...