1. 在本地计算机上,Get-EventLog的执行效率要比Get-WinEvent的执行效率高非常多,应用非常广泛; 2. Get-WinEvent中XPath过滤效率会比XML和HashTable效率高;但实际应用中,Xpath案例和资料较少,反而HashTable资料较多,但庆幸的是可以通过Windows图形界面简单勾选,自动生成XML和XPath筛选内容,无需手动编写代码。 演示如...
1、显示慢日志是否开启 show variables like ‘%slow_query_log%’ 2、查询超过多少秒才记录 show...
How do I pull one specific line out of a Get-WinEvent Message field? How do I remove multiple items from a array in powershell How do I resolve the "Size limit exceeded for Get-Adgroupmember" error when listing a group with thousands of members? How do I run the following powershell...
The cmdlets Get-EventLog and Get-WinEvent are not supported in the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE).Related LinksClear-EventLog Get-WinEvent Group-Object Limit-EventLog New-EventLog Remove-EventLog Select-Object Show-EventLog Write-EventLog...
您可以使用 Get-EventLog 參數和屬性值來搜尋事件。 Cmdlet 會取得符合指定屬性值的事件。包含名詞的 EventLog PowerShell Cmdlet 僅適用於Windows傳統事件記錄檔,例如應用程式、系統或安全性。 若要取得在 Windows Vista 和更新版本中使用 Windows 事件記錄技術的記錄,請使用 Get-WinEvent。
The cmdlets that contain the EventLog noun (the EventLog cmdlets) work only on classic event logs. To get events from logs that use the Windows Event Log technology in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, useGet-WinEvent. Parameters ...
Get-EventLog wil not work with the new EL views and files. You must use Get-WinEvent: Get-WinEvent Microsoft-Windows-Backup/Operational ¯\(ツ)_/¯ Monday, January 12, 2015 1:03 PM Thank you, correct command is Get-WinEvent -logname Microsoft-Windows-Backup...
HRESULTget_EventType( FsrmEventType *eventType ); 参数 eventType 返回值 无 要求 展开表 最低受支持的客户端无受支持的版本 最低受支持的服务器Windows Server 2008 目标平台Windows 标头fsrm.h (包括 FsrmQuota.h、FsrmScreen.h) DLLSrmSvc.dll
First, there are two ways to access the events logged in Windows – through the Event Viewer and using the Get-EventLog / Get-WinEvent cmdlets. The Event Viewer is an intuitive tool which lets you find all the required info, provided you know what to look for. Searching the logs using...
[TOC] 系统日志查看与管理 Get-EventLog 命令 - 获取本地计算机或远程计算机上的事件日志或事件日志列表中的事件。...基础语法: Get-EventLog [-LogName] [[-InstanceId] ] [-After <System.DateTime...# - 4.从特定事件日志获取...