## wrapped,) rename the other function and chain to its new name. if(Test-Path function:\$Name) { $target = "$Name" + "-" + [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","") Rename-Item function:\GLOBAL:$Name GLOBAL:$target $commandType = "Function" } ## The template we use f...
PS D:\> New-Item -ItemType Junction -Name tmp -Target $env:TEMP PS D:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object name,LinkTarget Name LinkTarget --- --- tmp C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp PS D:\> Get-ChildItem Directory: D:\ Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- l--...
LogName = "C:\DiskSpaceCleanupLog\" + $Date + "Log.txt"$Path = @() } {Get-ChildItem\Users\" + $Name. 浏览7提问于2016-02-26得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 Powershell文件重命名+日期 ,但需要一些帮助谢谢$newpath = "c:\test\business\" "_","$Newdate"}测试_今天的日期性能_今天的日期...
Active Directory: New-ADUser character escaping AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD Modu...
PS D:\> New-Item -ItemType Junction -Name tmp -Target $env:TEMP PS D:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object name,LinkTarget Name LinkTarget --- --- tmp C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp PS D:\> Get-ChildItem Directory: D:\ Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- ---...
Add-Computer to domain with new name returns error Add-Computer unable to join domain. ADD-computer with -newname and joinwithnewname option add-computer with spaces in OUPath Add-content : The network name cannot be found. Add-Content PermissionDenied but works Add-MailboxFolderPermission erro...
Add-Computer to domain with new name returns error Add-Computer unable to join domain. ADD-computer with -newname and joinwithnewname option add-computer with spaces in OUPath Add-content : The network name cannot be found. Add-Content PermissionDenied but works Add-MailboxFolderPermission erro...