Microsoft.PowerShell.Host Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 命令 关于 ConvertFrom-SecureString ConvertTo-SecureString Get-Acl Get-AuthenticodeSignature Get-CmsMessage Get-Credential Get-ExecutionPolicy Get-PfxCertificate New-FileCatalog ...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Host Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 命令 关于 ConvertFrom-SecureString ConvertTo-SecureString Get-Acl Get-AuthenticodeSignature Get-CmsMessage Get-Credential Get-ExecutionPolicy Get-PfxCertificate New-FileCatalog ...
1 1、打开系统开始菜单;2 2、在开始菜单搜索框中输入“Powershell”;3 3、点击搜索出的Powershell程序图标;4 4、Powershell程序窗口自动打开;Get-Acl命令的用法 1 直接运行Get-Acl,返回当前目录的安全描述;2 如果我们想要获取C盘的安全描述,应该如何操作呢?请运行如下命令:Get-Acl C:3 再来运行一个实例...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
是指在Windows操作系统中,使用PowerShell命令Get-ACL获取文件或文件夹的访问控制列表(ACL),然后将多个ACL结果合并为一个对象。 ACL是用于控制对文件或文件夹的访问权限的一组规则。每个ACL包含一个或多个访问控制项(ACE),每个ACE定义了一个用户或组的权限。当需要对多个文件或文件夹进行相同的权限设置时,可以使用Get...
Understanding Active Directory ACL using PowerShell can be a bit tricky. There are no out-of-the-box cmdlets with ActiveDirectory PowerShell module to help in settings the permission quickly. While there are no cmdlets, you can nevertheless manage AD permissions using the AD PowerShell drive. ...
You can get ACL share permissions using the PowerShell Get-ACL cmdlet. But there’s an easier way to stay in control of your access control list configuration, with no PowerShell scripting or thinking about security descriptors. Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers simplifies user entitlement ...
Powershell - Test-connection handle errors when computer is no longer on the domain Powershell command to find on which servers in a domain a user is logged in Powershell get-acl formatting Powershell script to find file size Powershell script: File size and last accessed date Powershell to...
Path : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::D:\ChuckLu\Git\Edenred\LISA_5.0.0.0\LISA.BackOffice\log\LISA.BackOffice. log Owner : NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE Group : NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE Access : NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Deny Write ...
Get-Acl .\LISA.BackOffice.log | Format-List Path : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::D:\ChuckLu\Git\Edenred\LISA_5.0.0.0\LISA.BackOffice\log\LISA.BackOffice. log Owner : NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE Group : NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE ...