C:\PS>get-ACL c:/windows/k*.log -Audit | foreach-object { $_.Audit.Count } Description --- This command gets the security descriptors of the .log files in the C:\Windows directory whose names begin with "k." It uses the Audit parameter to retrieve the audit records from the SACL...
Object[]' to the type 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser ForEach loop does not working. Error: Cannot convert value to type System.String. Foreach loop is returning same data multiple times instead of one foreach start loop at index[1] Foreach, $_.name, and string concatenation Fo...
First there is the resource itself—for instance, a directory object, a file, or a folder. Next is the Access Control List (ACL) object, which is attached to the resource. The ACL consists of one or more Access Control Entries, or ACE objects. An ACE essentially ties together a security...
ActiveDirectoryRights: TheActiveDirectoryRightsrefer to what rights are assigned to the AD object; usually, this is readable, likeWriteProperty,DeleteProperty. But this is not always the case. TheActiveDirectoryRightscan also holdExtendedRights,Generic, and other values. Note You can read more about...
0x01注册服务 将后门注册为windows自启动服务是常见的后门维持手法,使用命令sc或者powershell命令都可以将...
#works fine on "colon" object itself get-acl -Path "AD:OU=System:Stuff,DC=contoso,DC=com" #FAILS when asking for sub-object under "colon" object get-acl -Path "AD:CN=TestUser123,OU=System:Stuff,DC=contoso,DC=com" I have tried -LiteralPath also, and all kinds of combination...
Dear Friends, I want to query groups and permissions on certain file share path using the powershell script below.It is currently working and giving the...
$ObjectAcl = Get-ACL -Path "AD:$ComputersContainer" $AddAccessRule = New-Object -TypeName 'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule' $AccountSid, 'CreateChild', 'Allow', $ServicePrincipalNameGUID, 'All' $ObjectAcl.AddAccessRule($AddAccessRule) Set-ACL -AclObject $ObjectAcl -Path "...
get-childitem \\fileshare\folder -recurse | get-acl | select-object path,owner,accesstostring,group| export-csv “C:\security.csv”虽然这在一定程度上起作用,但它包括目录中的所有文件,而不是特定的文件夹。 浏览0提问于2017-07-10得票数 1
It's designed to audit Active Directory permissions, export them in CSV/HTML formats, compare them to a previous export or another domain, or to default permissions. The tool also provides features to know the permissions of a user or group, identify the owner of an object, the date of th...