We’re a cloud-first company, and SAP software ticked all the boxes in terms of what we were looking for. Leonardo RodriguesHead of Finance Systems, GetYourGuide Deutschland GmbH Transforming finance to handle hypergrowth GetYourGuide is a Berlin-based marketplace bringing online what is ...
GetYourGuide始终为为您呈现最美好的一切 在GetYourGuide购买门票,您可以在探索各大精彩景点,体验各种体育和探险活动时省去在售票处排长队的烦恼。使用业务纯熟的本地提供商的服务,踏上精彩旅程。GetYourGuide全球所有合作伙伴均经过精心挑选,可确保您在个人出行过程中享受最优质的服务。如果您仍然需要其他信息,GetYour...
GetYourGuide 認證 產品ID: 53791 分銷商:GetYourGuide Tours & Tickets GmbH 週週探索旅遊的奧妙 將個人化旅行靈感、最新旅遊攻略和獨家優惠直接發送至你的收件匣。 註冊 註冊即表示您同意接收有關活動和內幕消息的促銷電子郵件。您可以隨時取消訂閱或撤回您的同意,並在未來生效。欲了解更多信息,請閱讀我們的隱私權...
Get Your Guide,一款目的地旅游平台,创始人为Johannes Reck。公司事件 2020年4月份,由于疫情导致大量订单被取消,但是Google不愿意向合作商提供广告费用补偿或抵扣,GetYourGuide与德国其他旅游公司一起,对Google进行了严厉谴责。法国旅游公司也对此发表了类似的意见。当被问及如果Google成为目的地旅游与活动预订平台,...
Enrich your tripwithunique experiencesthat allow you to immerse yourself inlocal culturesanddiscover new things.GetYourGuideoffers you thousands of ways to makewonderful memorieson your trip, which you will look back on for a long time to come. It also gives you many wonderful advantages when bo...
GetYourGuide named asLeader among 14 other companies, includingExpedia,TripAdvisor, andBooking Holdings. You're one click awayfrom the most comprehensive, unmatched analyst expertise in tech, in-depth private company data and a platform that brings it all together. ...
From guided tours to Paris or Amsterdam, to day trips of historical sites, there are plenty of attractions to pack your itinerary full! With 250 tours added weekly, there is something for everyone! Visit GetYourGuide today and plan your perfect itinerary ...
GetYourGuide Tours & Tickets GmbH is an affiliate of the platform provider GetYourGuide Deutschland GmbH Contact information For questions about meeting or pickup point, activity details, or special requests, contact our Customer Care team.
GetYourGuide Tours & Tickets GmbH is an affiliate of the platform provider GetYourGuide Deutschland GmbH Contact information For questions about meeting or pickup point, activity details, or special requests, contact our Customer Care team.