For example, you can use VBA code to loop through all the sheets in a workbook and extract data from all the sheets or specific sheets with specific sheet names (such as the year number of department name). You can also use sheet names to dynamically reference cells or ranges in your fo...
III.VBA Get Name & Path Of All Open Workbooks The code below will loop through all workbooks that are open in current system. If you want to scan through all the opened Excel files, assign it to a Workbook object and read or write to them, then this code will be much useful. ...
In the first part, we have a CELL function that returns the address of the workbook along with the current sheet’s name. And, following is the address that we got from the cell function. Here you can see you have the sheet name at the end of the address, and you need to get the...
Subtest()Dimarr()DimwbAsWorkbookarr=Application.GetOpenFilename("所有Excel文件,*.xls*",,,True)Ifarr(1)<>"False"ThenFori=LBound(arr)ToUBound(arr)Setwb=Workbooks.Open(arr(i))NextEndIfEndSub 执行以上代码,选择多个文件,单击“打开”。 所选择的文件均已打开。 通过以上Excel VBA的代码即可选取某...
宏表函数是早期低版本excel中使用的,现在已由VBA顶替它的功能;但仍可以在工作表中使用,不过只能在"定义的名称"中使用;还有极少数的宏表函数使用后不会自动改变,而需要按快捷键更新。 1 get.workbook宏表函数 函数语法为get.workbook(type_num,name_text),即提取工作表信息,参数type_num表示提取的类型编号,name_...
7. 在选择文件的类型中,默认是“所有文件”,而实际上在GetOpenFilename方法中可以通过设置参数来限定可选文件的类型。 Subtest()DimstrAsStringDimwbAsWorkbookstr=Application.GetOpenFilenameSetwb=Workbooks.Open(str)EndSub 关于GetOpenFilename方法的参数设置,我们会在下一次的分享中继续展开。
GetOpenFilename 合并选择的excel文件下所有的工作簿 Sub test() Dim str As String Dim wb As Workbook Dim...
Dim wb As Workbook arr = Application.GetOpenFilename("所有Excel文件,*.xls*", , , ,True) If arr(1) <> "False" Then For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) Set wb = Workbooks.Open(arr(i)) Next End If End Sub 执行以上代码,选择多个文件,单击“打开”。
Sub test()Dim FileName As String Dim wb As Workbook FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(ThisWorkbook.Path)If FileName = "False" Then Exit Sub Set wb = Workbooks.Add wb.SaveAs FileName End Sub