l_pPMCSize: Cardinal;beginl_nWndHandle := FindWindow(nil, PChar(_sProcessName));ifl_nWndHandle =0thenbeginResult :=False; Exit;end; l_pPMCSize :=SizeOf(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS); GetMem(l_pPMC, l_pPMCSize); l_pPMC^.cb :=l_pPMCSize; GetWindowThreadProcessId(l_nWndHandle, @l_nPro...
NativeMethods.GetProcessIdFromWindow(IntPtr) MethodReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Controls Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.dll C# 複製 public static int GetProcessIdFromWindow (IntPtr hWnd); Parameters hWnd IntPtr Ret...
function GetProcessMemorySize(_sProcessName: string; var _nMemSize: Cardinal): Boolean; var l_nWndHandle, l_nProcID, l_nTmpHandle: HWND; l_pPMC: PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS; l_pPMCSize: Cardinal; begin l_nWndHandle := FindWindow(nil, PChar(_sProcessName)); if l_nWndHandle = 0 then...
DWORDGetProcessId( [in] HANDLE Process ); 参数 [in] Process 进程的句柄。 句柄必须具有PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION或PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION访问权限。 有关详细信息,请参阅进程安全和访问权限。 Windows Server 2003 和 Windows XP:句柄必须具有PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION访问权限。
Get Process ID from Window Title Get programs currently present in the taskbar... Get properties/fields/methods from an dll/exe... Get property values without using reflection Get Query string parameters from URL get RAISERROR message Get range of bytes from byte[] Get row index from gridview...
does anybody know how to get a window handle by knowing its process id? thanks for your help All replies (12) Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1:40 AM ✅Answered |5 votes That's the process ID you want, GetWindowThreadProcessId() sets it. Just declare a variable and pass it (well, act...
ProcessPriorityClass ProcessStartInfo ProcessThread ProcessThreadCollection ProcessWindowStyle SampleActivity<T> SourceFilter SourceLevels SourceSwitch StackFrame StackFrameExtensions StackTrace StackTraceHiddenAttribute 秒表 Switch SwitchAttribute SwitchLevelAttribute ...
window API GetProcessId OpenProcess 函数原型: DWORD WINAPIGetProcessId( _In_ HANDLEProcess); HANDLE OpenProcess( DWORDdwDesiredAccess,// access flagBOOLbInheritHandle,// handle inheritance optionDWORDdwProcessId// process identifier);这两个函数可以用来在进程ID和进程句柄之间的转化,以后就不用在靠枚举...
ProcessModule ProcessModuleCollection ProcessPriorityClass ProcessStartInfo ProcessThread ProcessThreadCollection ProcessWindowStyle SampleActivity<T> SourceFilter SourceLevels SourceSwitch StackFrame StackFrameExtensions StackTrace StackTraceHiddenAttribute Stopwatch ...
owner(Object)- App that owns the window name(string)- Name of the app processId(number)- Process identifier bundleId(string)- Bundle identifier(macOS only) path(string)- Path to the app url(string?)- URL of the active browser tab if the active window(macOS only) ...