Next, we’ll use theWEEKDAY()function on thestart_datecolumn of theFacultytable. First, we’ll use the COUNT() function to count on which day the Faculty members started teaching and later group them together with theGROUP BYstatement: SELECT WEEKDAY(start_date) AS weekday_index, COUNT(*...
DATENAME(Month,GETDATE()) AS [Month], DATENAME(Weekday,GETDATE()) AS [Weekday], CONVERT(varchar,GETDATE(),109) AS [CONVERT] /*--结果 Month Weekday CONVERT --日期转换参数,值得收藏 selectCONVERT(varchar,getdate(),120) 2004-09-1211:06:08 selectreplace(replace(replace(CONVERT(varchar,get...
MAX([Date]) FOR [Day] in ([Sunday],[Monday],[Tuesday],[Wednesday],[Thursday],[Friday],[Saturday]) ) As pvt OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) The above query pivots the data around days of the week. The result from the above query is shown below Like us on FaceBook|Join the fastest growing...
Now that I have Month, Day, Year values individually, I pass it to myDATENAMEto get theWeeknameof the date I want: --my SQL query to return dayNameSELECT(DATENAME(dw, DATEPART(m, GETDATE())/DATEPART(d, myDateCol1)/DATEPART(yy, getdate()))asmyNameOfDay, FirstName, Last...
Day of year Day Week Weekday Hour Minute Second Millisecond Microsecond Nanosecond TZoffset ISO_WEEK Each date-time part has its abbreviation which can also be used to return the same output. Here, I will use the SQL Server GETDATE function as a specified date for these functions to return...
Week_Start_Date select statement SELECTDATEADD(DAY,2-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,GETDATE()),CAST(GETDATE()ASDATE))[Week_Start_Date] SQL Copy Divide Week_Start_Date select statement selectDATEPART(WEEKDAY,GETDATE())selectCAST(GETDATE()ASDATE)SELECTDATEADD(DAY,2-5,'2017-04-06')[Week_Start_Date] ...
SQL函数 GETDATE 日期/时间函数,返回当前本地日期和时间。大纲 GETDATE([precision]) 参数 precision - 可选-一个正整数,指定时间精度为小数秒的位数。...例如, WHERE PosixField=GETDATE() or INSERT INTO MyTable (Posi...
FROM TL_VriandOPI_Vendorbilling where VendorId=@userID and CompanyId=@CompanyID Group By DATEPART(wk, CreatedDate) ,FORMAT(CreatedDate, 'MMMM-yyyy') ) SELECT Months,DateRange,Total,Duration, case when DateRange=(select FORMAT(DATEADD(DAY, 1-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, Min(getdate())), Min(getdate...
SELECT * FROM checkinfo where DATEDIFF(day,时间字段,GETDATE())=0; 查询昨天的数据: SELECT * FROM checkinfo where DATEDIFF(day,时间字段,GETDATE())=1; 查询本周的数据: SELECT * FROM checkinfo where datediff(week,c_sample_date,getdate())=0; ...
DAYNAME() : weekday name in Full from input Date in MySQL SQL DateSELECT DAYNAME('2016-08-24') Output is Wednesday Syntax DAYNAME() Example : DEMO: Select date from Calendar to execute DAYNAME() → DAYNAME() function to get full name of the weekday in MySQL...