// this is on aspx page var siteUrl = "<%= SPContext.Current.Web.Url %>"; ... changeLink(siteUrl); // this is in separate .js file function changeLink(siteUrl) { document.getElementById('anchor').href= siteUrl +"/_vti_bin/ng/activityfeed.svc/Context/"; ...
在Javascript中,可以将URL作为GET参数传递。这种方式通常用于在前端页面中将URL参数传递给后端服务器,以便后端根据参数进行相应的处理。 要将URL作为GET参数传递,可以使用以下步骤: 构建要传递的URL:首先,需要构建一个包含参数的URL。可以使用字符串拼接的方式将参数添加到URL中。例如,假设要传递一个名为"param"的参数,...
JavaScript 获取 url 参数 getUrlParams 给定一个 url 和一个key,查找 key 是否在 url 的查询字符串中, 如果在就返回,如果不在返回 null,如果存在多个就返回数组。代码 // 给定key,求解href中的value,如果有多个,返回数组。如果没有返回nullfunction getUrlParams(key, href) { const query = href.s...
All I want is to get the website URL. Not the URL as taken from a link. On the page loading I need to be able to grab the full, current URL of the website and set it as a variable to do with as I please. Use: window.location.href As noted in the comments, the line below...
12functionGetRequest() {34varurl = location.search;/*search 属性是一个可读可写的字符串,5可设置或返回当前 URL 的查询部分(问号 ? 之后的部分)。*/67vartheRequest=newArray();//定义一个数组89if(url.indexOf("?") != -1) {/*indexOf() 方法可返回某个指定的字符10串值在字符串中首次出现的...
JavaScript Location Object Locationobject holds all the information of the current URL of the webpage, this Object can be accessed easily by using thewindow. location. JavaScript href Object Thehrefis a property that can be used to set or return the entire URL of the current webpage we are...
function getPar(par){ //获取当前URL var local_url = document.location.href; //...
Javascript对URL进行解码 当Javascript需要从URL中解析出参数时,获取到的URL通常是已编码的,所以需要先对URL进行解码,再进行解析。 以下三种函数都可以对URL进行解码,与编码函数一一对应。 unencodeURIComponent(string) unencodeURI(string) ...
그런 다음URLSearchParams객체에 첨부 된get함수를 사용하여 URL 내의 매개 변수 값을 가져올 수 있습니다. var input_string = 'http://www.google.com/app.html?apple=1&banana=3&cherry=m2'; // window.location.href var url = new URL...
Here's a script example to get the base url (root domain) using Javascript. This will get the localhost baseurl or the root url of a domain name. See DetailsIn the code below, you will be able to find the baseUrl of your website using javascript. The following javascript code will...