获取视口大小 获取(浏览器)视口的高度和宽度。安装npm install get-viewport-size用法var viewportSize = require ( 'get-viewport-size' )console . log ( viewportSize ( ) ) // => { height: 989, width: 1920 }
DOCTYPE html> 登录 <!-- action 提交的地址 --> <!-- input的name属性必须定义,只有有name属性的input,它的值才会被form提交到服务器 --> 用户名: 密码: js //使用get
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3437786/get-the-size-of-the-screen-current-web-page-and-browser-window window.screen.height;window.screen.width; viewport size / device size / document size https://ryanve.com/lab/dimensions/ responsive viewport / viewbox svg viewbox small screen constsvgStr ...
CD3D11_VIEWPORT class (Windows) Error element (Windows) ITransportParameters::TrackInformation method (Windows) ApnID (Windows) WS_OPAQUE_WINDOWS_CREDENTIAL structure (Windows) GetBestAlternate function (Windows) IInputPersonalizationManager::Reserved3 method (Windows) SIZETToLongPtr function (Windows) ...
2.2 The window inner size The window inner size(akaviewport size) consists of the width and height of the viewport that displays the web page. windowobject provides the necessary propertiesinnerWidthandinnerHeight: constwindowInnerWidth=window.innerWidth; ...
JavaScript Code:// Function declaration for getSize function getSize() { // Getting the width of the viewport var w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; // Getting the height of the viewport var h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // Put the result into a h1 tag document.getElement...
The viewport that covers the result represented by the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the viewport. SearchAddressResultType One of: POI Street Geography Point Address Address Range Cross Street Expand table NameTypeDescription Address Range string Cross Street string Geography string POI...
{ "lat": -26.18009, "lon": 28.13544 }, "viewport": { "topLeftPoint": { "lat": -26.17919, "lon": 28.13444 }, "btmRightPoint": { "lat": -26.18099, "lon": 28.13644 } }, "entryPoints": [ { "type": "main", "position": { "lat": -26.18006, "lon": 28.13636 } } ] }, ...
DOCTYPEhtml>Display List Items<ulid="myList">Item 1Item 2Item 3constlist=document.getElementById('myList');constitems=Array.from(list.children).map(item=>item.innerText);constdisplayDiv=document.getElementById('displayDiv');items.forEach(item=>{constlistItem=document.createElement('p');listItem...
There are two methods to get the viewport height: window.innerHeight and document.documentElement.clientHeight. The former is more accurate.