6 Accessing the value of a variable by its name as string in Java 0 Getting a variable's value when you only have the variable name as a String 6 Get value of String variable via reflection 0 Java: Getting a variable name from a string 0 Java get variable name as string 2 G...
ID3D10EffectVariable * GetVariableByName( [in] LPCSTR Name ); 参数 [in] Name 类型: LPCSTR 变量名称。 返回值 类型: ID3D10EffectVariable* 指向ID3D10EffectVariable 接口的指针。 注解 效果可能包含一个或多个变量。 技术外部的变量被视为所有效果的全局变量,位于某个技术内部的变量是该技术...
self.assertEqual(0, len(contrib_variables.get_variables_by_name('gamma'))) 开发者ID:BhaskarNallani,项目名称:tensorflow,代码行数:9,代码来源:normalization_test.py 示例6: testGetVariableWithoutScope ▲点赞 1▼ deftestGetVariableWithoutScope(self):withself.test_session(): a ...
w_2 = tf.Variable(1,name="w_1")printw_1.nameprintw_2.name#输出#w_1:0#w_1_1:0 importtensorflowastf w_1 = tf.get_variable(name="w_1",initializer=1) w_2 = tf.get_variable(name="w_1",initializer=2)#错误信息#ValueError: Variable w_1 already exists, disallowed. Did#you mea...
List<string> VariableName = new List<string>(); variables = (SolidEdgeFramework.Variables)document.Variables; for (int i = 1; i <=variables.Count; i++) { variable = (SolidEdgeFramework.variable)variables.Item(i); string name = variable.Name; VariableName.Add(name);...
在tensorflow中,可以使用tf.Variable来创建一个变量,也可以使用tf.get_variable来创建一个变量,但是在一个模型需要使用其他模型的变量时,tf.get_variable就派上大用场了。 先分别介绍两个函数的用法: 1importtensorflow as tf2var1 = tf.Variable(1.0,name='firstvar')3print('var1:',var1.name)4var1 = tf...
Get-Variable[[-Name] <String[]>] [-ValueOnly] [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Scope <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheGet-Variablecmdlet gets the PowerShell variables in the current console. You can retrieve just the values of the variables by specifying theVa...
tensorflow.get_variable()函数 tensorflow框架 tf.Variable()和tf.get_variable()在创建变量的过程基本一样。它们之间最大的区别在于指定变量名称的参数。 tf.Variable(),变量名称name是一个可选的参数。 tf.get_variable(),变量名称是一个必填的参数。
There are still techniques to acquire a variable's name as a string. To extract the variable name, you'll need to know the string. This is also a search for the variable name in reverse. As a result, if you have two variables with the same value, it may return either of them. ...
variable store. It uses the EDK II MemoryAllocationLib to allocate, reallocate, and free buffers; the EDK II UefiLib to print formatted strings to the UEFI console output device; and the EDK II UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib to call the GetNextVariableName() and GetVariable() runtime services....