Windows PowerShell Reply View Full Discussion (7 Replies)Show Parent Replies JaksaSkelin Copper Contributor charlie4872 The command $UPN = get-aduser -identity $user | select-object UserPrincipalName does not return a string, it returns an object with the propery UserPrincipalName. Y...
使用Get-UserPrincipalNamesSuffix cmdlet 可以查看 Active Directory 林中的用户主体名称 (UPN) 后缀。 UPN 后缀在 Active Directory 域和信任中创建。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅 Exchange cmdlet 语法。 语法 PowerShell 复制 Get-UserPrincipalNamesSuffix [-OrganizationalUnit <ExtendedOrganizatio...
举例:Get-ADUser -Filter'Name -like "*pzl" -SearchBase "OU= ,OU= ,DC= ,DC= " -properties mail,Company,isDelted |export-csv 保存路径 -Encoding utf8 Get-ADUser -Identity 指定用户名 Get-ADUser -Filter 特定(过滤)用户名 输出格式/导出为文件 调整输出格式: 举例:Get-ADuser-filter* |ft name...
User = $User.UserPrincipalName DisplayName = $User.DisplayName LicenseSKU = $SKUfriendlyname.Product_Display_Name Serviceplan = $serviceplan.Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names } $UsersLicenses += $Licenses I added DisplayName as example, you can add rows to it from these values...
PowerShell 复制 Get-ADPermission [-Identity] <ADRawEntryIdParameter> [-User <SecurityPrincipalIdParameter>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 ADPermission cmdlet 可用于直接修改 active Directory 访问控制列表 (ACL) 。 尽管某些 Microsoft Exchange 功能可能会继续使用 ADPermission cmdlet...
PowerShell Get-User-Filter"Title -like 'Manager*'" This example uses the Filter parameter to retrieve information about all users that have the word Manager at the end of their title. Parameters -Anr The Anr parameter specifies a string on which to perform an ambiguous name resolution (ANR)...
Get-ADUser -Identity Abbey.Crawford -Properties * | Select Name,mail |ft Displaying User Principal Name (UPN) To retrieve a user’s UPN, use this cmdlet: Get-ADUser -Identity Abbey.Crawford -Properties * | Select Name,userprincipalname |ft ...
Benutzer-ID oder User Principal Name (UPN) Tabelle erweitern Type: MailboxIdParameter Position: 1 Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Online-...
getUserPrincipalName setDisplayName setFirstName setId setImmutableId setLastDirectorySyncTime setLastName setPasswordProfile setPhoneNumber setSoftDeletionTime setState setUserDomainType setUserPrincipalName UserDomainType UserState