React本机> = 0.45.0 iOS> = 8.0 安装 安装依赖包 yarn add react-native-get-location 或者 npm i -S react-native-get-location 如果您使用的是React Native 0.60.+请转至your-project / ios文件夹并运行pod install ,就可以了。 如果不是,请使用以下方法之一进行链接。 链接与react-native link ...
<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> <string>This app needs to get your location...</string> Usage There is only one function that you need to use to get the user's current location. importGetLocationfrom'react-native-get-location'GetLocation.getCurrentPosition({enableHighAccuracy:true...
There is only one function that you need to use to get the user's current location.import GetLocation from 'react-native-get-location' GetLocation.getCurrentPosition({ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 60000, }) .then(location => { console.log(location); }) .catch(error => { const {...
This post will help you toget the current location using React Native Geolocation. React Native Geolocation provide the current location of the device in the form of Latitude and Longitude. Let’s see how to use React Native Geolocation API to get the current location of any device/user. We ...
React Native get元素相对于父元素的位置 React Native是一种流行的跨平台移动应用开发框架,它允许开发者使用JavaScript和React编写一次代码,然后在iOS和Android平台上生成原生应用。在React Native中,可以使用各种API来获取元素相对于父元素的位置。 要获取元素相对于父元素的位置,可以使用以下方法: measure方法:React Na...
"react": "16.13.1","react-native": "0.63.2","react-native-image-picker": "^2.3.3", targetSdkVersion: 29。 问题还出现在:Android 10/ API 29.. 2.出问题时代码: <TouchableOpacity style={styles.addBtn} onPress={() =>this.addImages(options)}> ... Android iOS 都兼容 需要解决的是 通过 js 调用URL_SCHEME开启app,以及处理浏览器的兼容性。 百度浏览器,不支持,可放弃。 大部分浏览器不支持 js 直接打开app,必须是通过用户点击页面的才能打开。
react-native-user-identity Get the user id configured for the device (iCloud recordID for iOS, email of a device account for android) Why should you use this? When implementing a mobile application you want to provide your users as much functionality as you can without having them sign up...
当我更改googlePlayServicesVersion版本时,构建失败并显示以下消息:`* 出了什么问题:无法确定任务':react-native-device-info:compileDebugAidl'的依赖关系。无法解析配置“:react-native-device-info:debugCompileClasspath”的所有任务依赖项。找不到。需要者:项目:...