In this explanation, you can supply more scenarios to get to the end point and play off of the examples you used above or earlier in the lesson. To get used to something is to become familiar with it, to possibly go through a change to acquire a new habit. You can show the different...
The words "used to" in the phrase "get used to" are also an adjective. The sentence structure goes like this: subject + get + used to + gerund, noun or pronoun Listen for the verb tense of "get" in the...
From the above examples, one can figure out that the phrases ‘get used to’ or ‘gotten used to’ imply that someone hasbecome accustomed to something. Let’s break it down and try to understand what each sentence means. In the first sentence, the writer states that Chuck finds his job...
Learn about ‘”be used to” and “get used to” in English grammar. Clear and simple explanation of meaning and use, with examples. How to form sentences with “be used to” and “get used to” How to use “be used to” and “get used to” We usebe used toto express that a s...
But to say used to is quite a mouthful, so you will hear speakers of English saying/ju: s (t) tu: /, /ju: s (t) tu: /.但是单独说 used to,这样很繁琐,所以你会听到说英语的人说/ju: s (t) tu:/,/ju: s (t) tu:/。That means that both used to and use to are ...
Next, here is "used to" when it is part of a question. Didn't you use to play tennis? You used to like coffee, didn't you? All of these examples are referring to something in the past. Let's move on to the next usage of "used to." ...
I used to be a top model. I used to have a lot of media attention. I have got used to a quieter life now. Have you changed your habits in the course of your life? How is your life different from before? Write in the comments using the examples with USED TO!
The words “used to” in the phrase “get used to” are also an adjective. The sentence structure goes like this: subject + get + used to + gerund, noun or pronoun Listen for the verb tense of “get” in the following examples. And take note that nouns follow “get used to.” But...
You need to get used to it. I honestly don’t know a way to explain an exact difference, but generally it’s whatever sounds better in that situation. Above i tried to used examples that only work with the respective phrases, but I can’t find a good way to actually explain. I ...
Review the examples below to note the similarities in sentence structure. At first, it was difficult, but now sheis used tothe constant street noise at night. (Be Used To + Noun Phrase) When her husband started his new job, he had to get up much earlier than before. It took a while...