USB 位址設定 UsbClass USB配置 UsbConfiguration.InterfaceConsts UsbConstants USB裝置 USB裝置 建構函式 屬性 方法 描述內容 GetConfiguration GetDeviceId 取得裝置名稱 GetInterface WriteToParcel UsbDevice.InterfaceConsts USB 裝置連接 USB端點 UsbEndpoint 介面常數 UsbInterface UsbInterface.InterfaceConsts (USB介面....
Every device with a USB interface needs to have a set of ID numbers that enable it to register with a host (computer or other equipment) so the host can take the appropriate action. Is it also necessary to have these ID numbers for devices you develop yourself, and if so, how can ...
A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that receives the ID number. HideReturn Value DLN_RES_SUCCESS (0x00) The function successfully retrieved the DLN device ID. HideRemarks You can change the device ID number using theDlnSetDeviceId()function. ...
stringaqs = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelectorFromUsbVidPid(vid, pid);varmyDevices =awaitWindows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqs,null);if(myDevices.Count ==0) { ShowError("Device not found!");return; }usingSerialDevice device =awaitSerialDevice.FromIdAsync(myDevi...
根据应用指定的设备接口 GUID 标识符,获取 AQS) 字符串 (高级查询语法。 应用将字符串传递给 DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync ,以便查找特定类型的 USB 设备。
"deviceName": "USB Fusion", "deviceWorkingStatus": 0, "encodeMode": 0, "firmwareVersion": "2.2.83", "ftbEnable": 0, "hardwareVersion": "A", "musicStatus": { "currentMusicId": 2028, "duration": 234000, "policy": 1, "progress": 0, "status": 0 }, "osdId": 105, "pdfConfi...
1. **检查 USB 线**:确保你使用的 USB 线没有损坏,并且与你的设备兼容。2. **检查 USB 端口*...
鸿蒙开发 OH_Usb_GetDeviceDescriptor public class MainAbilitySlice extends AbilitySlice implements Component.TouchEventListener { /** 文本组件 */ Text text; @Override public void onStart(Intent intent) { super.onStart(intent); super.setUIContent(ResourceTable.Layout_ability_main);...
TheIOCTL_USBPRINT_GET_1284_IDcontrol code allows upper-layer software (such as a language monitor), to request and obtain the printer's IEEE 1284 device ID string. Major code IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL Input buffer Not used in this operation; set this parameter toNULL. ...