PowerShell 複製 Get-Uptime -Since Tuesday, June 18, 2019 2:34:56 PM參數-Since導致Cmdlet 傳回 DateTime 物件,代表作系統上次開機的時間。 展開表格 類型: SwitchParameter Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False...
Get-WmiObject是 PowerShell 中用于检索 Windows 管理信息 (WMI) 对象的命令。 2. 基本语法 Get-WmiObject -Class ClassName -Class参数指定要检索的 WMI 类别的名称。 3. 常见用法 3.1 获取系统信息 使用-Class Win32_OperatingSystem获取操作系统信息。 使用-Class Win32_ComputerSystem获取计算机系统信息。 使用-C...
Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility v7.4.0 This class implements Get-Uptime.C# 複製 [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Uptime", DefaultParameterSetName="Timespan", HelpUri="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid...
With coding and with life, it’s not the destination but the journey that matters most. I was able to learn some about how to work with WMI Dates in .NET and make a better uptime script. I was able to do most of this building upon the richness of PowerShell and I was able...
call method from .Net class library using powershell Call Remote Invoke-Command and Not Wait? Call variable outside function Calling 'Get-Counter' remotely throws error 'Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline' Calling a function using Start-Job Calling a PowerShe...
List the file shares on a remote server: SERVER64 (PowerShell equivalent of the RMTShare utility).$shares = Get-CimInstance -class Win32_Share -computername SERVER64 -filter "Type=0" $shares | ForEach-Object { $path=($_.path) $Description=($_.Description) $name=($_.name) $Caption=...
PowerShell to Add GUI to Server Core (ServerCore-FullServer) PowerShell- how to run a command on multiple remote computer PowerVault MD3200 - Reset to Factory & Format all Disks Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 PresentationFramework CLR20r3 error when trying to run some applications Prevent user sign o...
Powershell - Test-connection handle errors when computer is no longer on the domain Powershell command to find on which servers in a domain a user is logged in Powershell get-acl formatting Powershell script to find file size Powershell script: File size and last accessed da...
Powershell - Test-connection handle errors when computer is no longer on the domain Powershell command to find on which servers in a domain a user is logged in Powershell get-acl formatting Powershell script to find file size Powershell script: File size and last accessed date Powershell to...
Configure Vlan on VSwitch using powershell cmdlets in windows 2012 R2 Configure VM to start without any users logged in after boot? Connect thin clients to Hyper-V virtual machines Connect to VM on local computer using RDP (Hyper-V V...