Get Up and Go test in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85:284–9. Objective To determine the reliability, minimum detectable change (MDC), and validity of the Get Up and Go (GUG) test. Design Repeated-measures test-retest for reliability. Correlational study for...
The "get-up and go test" requires patients to stand up from a chair, walk a short distance, turn around, return, and sit down again. This test was conducted in 40 elderly patients with a range of balance function. Tests were recorded on video tapes, which were viewed by groups of obs...
Get-Up-and-Go Test is commonly used for assessing the physical mobility of\nthe elderly by physicians. This paper presents a method for automatic analysis\nand classification of human gait in the Get-Up-and-Go Test using a Microsoft\nKin... HBA Kargar,A Mollahosseini,T Struemph,... 被...
-1 – indicates default price to be up-to on-demand. You can set the maxPrice to -1 to indicate that the Azure Spot VM/VMSS should not be evicted for price reasons. Also, the default max price is -1 if it is not provided by you. Minimum api-version: 2019-03-01. BootDiagnostic...
Extended Timed Get Up & Go (ETGUG) test was used to assess the duration of sit to stand, gait initiation, walking, turn around, sitting down, and speed of the walk. Independent t' test was used to compare the components of both the groups. Results: The findings showed that there were...
Sadly, Jack’s parents were too occupied with daily chores to notice the change in him as he became quieter and more distant. Even when Jack picked up his courage to share his feelings, he was simply comforted by words like, “Go and get it....
Reliability of clinically feasible dual-task tests: Expanded timed get up and go test as a motor task on young healthy individuals Dual-Task testing has been reported to have a higher sensitivity to deficits associated with concussion; however, the feasibility as a clinical or field te... K ...
from the get-go 从一开始 英语解释 the time at which something is supposed to begin 相似短语 get the go ahead得到允许 get up and gon. 魄力, 热情 to get to终于 get onv. 1.(后尤接副词或用于疑问句的how之后)过日子,进展,进步;出人头地;对付,应付 ...
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