1. 根据题意,需要将中文“咱们把事情说清楚”翻译成英文,参考答案“Let's get things straight.”符合题意,语法正确,语句通顺。 2. 根据题意,需要将中文“不要因他们的态度而泄气”翻译成英文,参考答案“Don't be discouraged by their attitude.”符合题意,语法正确,语句通顺。 3. 根据题意,需要将中文“在...
玉面小菡 Ellvin爱文学翻译 Get things straight――搞清,明了原来英文中也有“体”的概念。无知者(此处并无贬义),总是因看不清事物的全貌,进行无端的猜测,言辞虚妄而自觉,徒增焦恼。因此,如何才能get things straight呢?我想,唯有『行动』二字。没错,不需要添加“聪明的”、“有效的”、“正确的”等修饰语...
Let's get things straight. 美[ lets / ɡet / θɪŋz / streɪt ] 让我们把事情搞清楚。 你的口语能打多少分?【点击】这里进入小程序,快来免费测试一下吧! 别忘了 点“在看” 每天一句口语练习: 1、每天一句,从慢到快,要记得语音和...
do something dangerou do something meaningf do something to helpt do somethingnothing do sth onat short not do sth for fun do sth unconventional do sthfor a living do sthto a living do tell do the evolucion do the right thing in do the same thing do things for oneself do to death do...
Dancing with scoliosisYou're at a checkup with your doctor, and she asks you to roll down and...LoefflerGladstone, Nicole
Beliefs About the Future: “Things Will Get Worse Before They Get Better.” The next theme, beliefs about the future, entailed eight distinct subthemes, the first of which is that the election brings uncertainty. When asked about what the future holds for LGBTQ + people, Addison gives ...
Things get very complicated from there on, so I won't go into details. Concerning transfers to Mars, these are by necessity interplanetary transfers, i.e., orbits that have the sun as central body. Otherwise, much of what was said above applies: the issue remains the expense of energy. ...
The fact that -ing can combine with auxiliary have in participial adjuncts suggests two things: First, that adjunct -ing does not (necessarily) have a progressive interpretation, as this would lead to a contradiction upon combination with a perfective auxiliary, and second that this suffix origin...
If you continue doing the same things you have always done, you are going to get the same results you have always gotten. P.P.S. Get Together, Stay Together is 100% digital and you’ll gain access today. No hard-copy products will be shipped. P.P.P.S. Remember, every X & Y ...
Sure it takes hard work, but in the end, getting what you want in life is pretty straight forward, and in this post, I’m going to share with you the 35 things I’ve learned for how to make it happen. This is one of my longer posts, so grab a cup of coffee or your favorite...