vec.y +=1.0/2* ball.getGravity() * dis / -vec.z;cout<<"vec("<< vec.x <<", "<< vec.y <<", "<< vec.z <<"), ";cout<<"|vec| = "<< vec.getMagnitude() <<endl; ball.setVector(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); ball.emit(newMyBall::SlowBall()); }else{ vec.y +=1.0/...
voidFitRestraint::resample()const{//TODO - first check that the bounding box of the particles//match the one of the sampled ones.//resample the map containing all non rigid body particles//this map has all of the non rigid body particles.if(not_part_of_rb_.size()>0) { none_rb_mode...
trueon success,falseon failure (for instance, if the device is in free fall). Free fall is defined as condition when the magnitude of the gravity is less than 1/10 of the nominal value. On failure the output matrices are not modified. ...
0 링크 번역 답변:Robert U2019년 9월 25일 채택된 답변:Robert U Hi There, I'm using the CWT (1D) to analyze the frequency of small acoustic impulses. Based on the scalogram generated, I'm interested in extracting the frequency value from the higest magnitude c...
void getbbox(<geometry>geometry, vector &min, vector &max) Sets the vectors to the minimum and maximum corners of the bounding box for the geometry. This outputs the primitive bounding box, which includes the extents of spheres and volumes. void getbbox(<geometry>geometry, string primgroup...
Examine the frequency responses of the reduced-order models. Also, examine the difference between those responses and the original response (the absolute error). Get subplot(2,1,1); bodemag(G,rsys(:,:,1,1),rsys(:,:,2,1),logspace(0.5,1.5,100)) title('Bode Magnitude Plot') legend(...
def get_units(request): """Based on the vector of uids and the vector of header uids, return a dictionary of lightweight results for the view rows. :return: A JSON-encoded string containing the dictionary """ request_params = request.GET.copy() request_params["include_disabled"] = "al...
If you want to plot the real part of a vector versus the complex part, pass the vector as a single complex vector to the PLOT function. If you want to plot the magnitude of the elements, use the ABS function on the vector before passing it to the PLOT ...
Desired format of the response. Value can be either json or xml. Tm Main response element TrafficIncidentDetail This object is returned from a successful Traffic incident Detail call TrafficIncidentPointOfInterest DelayMagnitude The magnitude of delay associated with incident. These values correspond...
Real velMag = vel.GetMagnitude();// eqn 4.7 - 4.8Rvector3 eccVec = (1/grav)*((velMag*velMag - grav/posMag)*pos - (pos * vel) * vel); Real e = eccVec.GetMagnitude();// eqn 4.9Real zeta =0.5*velMag*velMag - grav/posMag;#ifdefDEBUG_CART_TO_KEPLMessageInterface::ShowMessag...