PowerShell Install-ModulePowerShellGet-AllowClobber-Force Install-Module會提示您安裝 NuGet 提供者。 輸入Y以安裝提供者。 Output NuGet provider is required to continue PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet provider mus...
TheMicrosoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGetmodule replaces thePowerShellGetandPackageManagementmodules.Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGetversion 1.0.1 ships in PowerShell 7.4.0. The latest version is available in the PowerShell Gallery and can be installed on any supported version of PowerShell. ...
PowerShell 複製 Get-Command [-Verb <String[]>] [-Noun <String[]>] [-Module <String[]>] [-FullyQualifiedModule <ModuleSpecification[]>] [-TotalCount <Int32>] [-Syntax] [-ShowCommandInfo] [[-ArgumentList] <Object[]>] [-All] [-ListImported] [-ParameterName <String[]>] [-...
In PowerShell v7.5 we plan to ship PowerShellGet v3.0.0 and the latest stable version of PSResourceGet, side-by-side. We will get community feedback about the compatibility layer that will help use decide on the final plans for PowerShell v7.5. ...
PowerShell Copy Update-Module -WhatIf What if: Performing the operation "Update-Module" on target "Version '2.8.0' of module 'Carbon', updating to version '2.8.1'". What if: Performing the operation "Update-Module" on target "Version '1.0.10' of module 'SpeculationControl', updating ...
Going forward we do not plan to do any future releases of the CompatPowerShellGet module, all releases will be under the PowerShellGet name. How to give feedback or get support This version of the module is still in preview, meaning that bugs are expected. We really appreciate any feedba...
PowerShell $H=Get-Host$Win=$H.UI.RawUI.WindowSize$Win.Height =10$Win.Width =10$H.UI.RawUI.Set_WindowSize($Win) 此命令将 Windows PowerShell 窗口的大小调整为 10 x 10 字符。 示例3:获取主机的 PowerShell 版本 PowerShell (Get-Host).Version Major Minor Build Revision PSSemVerPreReleaseLabel...
If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your selection by clicking “Manage Cookies” at the bottom of the page. Privacy Statement Third-Party Cookies Accept Reject Manage cookies Internal Server ErrorSomething went wr...
Standard PowerShell:- Open an administrative PowerShell prompt Run the following commands Import-Module"$ClonePath\tools\build.psm1"Install-DependenciesInstall-DevelopmentModule This will take the published module from ./dist and install it into the powershell module path under the current version of...