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One of the most popularbruh memeis that of Washington Wizard’sJohn Wallwho has been immortalized on the internet. The picture is from 2012-2013 NBA Season when he was sitting out the game during an injury while his team was losing to Atlanta Hawks. ...
没看可就OUT了!这部电影在豆瓣上评分超高,被誉为电影史上的经典之作。主人公安迪在监狱中经历各种磨难,但他从未放弃对自由和希望的追求,最终成功逃脱并获得重生。看了这部电影,你不仅能感受到人性的光辉,还能学到如何在困境中坚持信念、勇往直前! 再来一部国产瑰宝,《霸王别姬》绝对不能错过 +2 分享1赞 放置...
The game is inspired by the games Don't Step On The White Tiles and Piano Tiles, but we have tried to make our own alternative stuff. ★ Some of the artists and songs included ★ - Attack On Titan - Theme, The Reluctant Heroes++ - Fall Out Boy - Centuries, Immortals++ - Five ...