Intune: Managing devices with Intune Endpoint analytics for Intune devices Configuration Manager: Endpoint analytics for Configuration Manager devices Tenant attach for Configuration Manager devices For issues with on-premises Configuration Manager, open your case at Co-...
TheMicrosoft Entra Client IDfor your app must be unique across iOS and Android platforms. Configure Telemetry for your app Microsoft Intune collects data on usage statistics for your app. Intune App SDK for iOS: The SDK logs SDK telemetry data on usage events by default. This data is sent...
TenantSettingsGetOptionalParams interface参考 反馈 包: @azure/arm-apimanagement 可选参数。 扩展 OperationOptions 继承属性展开表 abortSignal 可用于中止请求的信号。 onResponse 在执行请求的操作时,每次从服务器收到响应时要调用的函数。可以多次调用。 requestOptions 创建和发送此操作的 HTTP 请求时使用的选项。
To manage macOS devices, Apple requires the Intune tenant be configured with an MDM push certificate. If you currently manage iOS/iPadOS devices in this same tenant, then this step is done. Use a Managed Apple ID with the Apple Business Manager (or Apple School Manager) instance. Don't ...
This cmdlet was introduced in Lync Server 2010.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Get-CsUser [[-Identity] <UserIdParameter>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-Filter <String>] [-OnOfficeCommunicationServer] [-OnLyncServer] [-OU <OUIdParameter>] [-ResultSize <Microsoft.Rtc....
But in reality there are 16 profiles in my Intune tenant, 12 for "Windows 10 and later", 4 for "Android Enterprise". The list of 8 that I get back are a mix from both. In other words, the issue itself is inconsistent, and the results that are given back have n...
Review the startup times and restart frequencies of devices in your tenant.Select a device to drill down on startup details. Get Windows Restart Frequency Insights from Intune Endpoint Analytics Fig.5 If you want to add or remove columns to reports, Use the Columns property to add or remove...
So basically you need to iterate $sites=Get-SPOSite -Limit ALL $sites | ForEach-Object { $site=Get-SPOSite -Identity $siteUrl if ($site.SensitivityLabel -eq 'ID-HighlyCOnfidential') { return $site } }
Clear-SPScaleOutDatabaseTenantData Clear-SPSecureStoreCredentialMapping Clear-SPSecureStoreDefaultProvider Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseDeletedDataSubRange Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseLog Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseTenantData Clear-SPSiteSubscriptionBusinessDataCatalogConfig Connect-SPConfigurationDatabase Conve...
Get-MsolUser [-All] [-City <string>] [-Country <string>] [-Department <string>] [-DomainName <string>] [-EnabledFilter <string>] [-HasErrorsOnly] [-LicenseReconciliationNeededOnly] [-ReturnDeletedUsers] [-State <string>] [-Synchronized] [-TenantId <Guid>] [-Title <string>] [-Unlic...