intn){inti;pair<char*,ptrdiff_t>p=get_temporary_buffer<char>(n);// copy the contents in temporary buffer with pairuninitialized_copy(b,b+p.second,p.first);// sort char arraysort(
{int i; pair<char*, ptrdiff_t> p = get_temporary_buffer<char>(n);// copy the contents in temporary buffer with pairuninitialized_copy(b, b + p.second, p.first);// sort char arraysort(p.first, p.first + p.second); cout << "sorted characters are :" << endl;for (i = 0; ...
template<class Type> pair<Type *, ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer( ptrdiff_t _Count ); 参数_Count 将哪内存请求的元素的最大数目。返回值第一个元素是指向内存分配,因此,第二个元素提供的缓冲区的大小,指示元素的大量它所能存储的 pair。备注函数...
second, [](std::string& e) { e.~basic_string<char>(); }); // 等同于:std::destroy(p.first, p.first + p.second); // 不使用 unique_ptr 这类技巧时要手动回收内存: // std::return_temporary_buffer(p.first); } 输出: string 1 test ... 返还临时缓冲区......
get_temporary_buffer( std::ptrdiff_t count ); (C++11 前) template< class T > std::pair<T*, std::ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer( std::ptrdiff_t count ) noexcept; (C++11 起)(C++17 中弃用)(C++20 中移除) 分配未初始化的相接存储,它应足以存储至多 count 个T 类型的相邻对象。要求是非...
template<class Type> pair<Type *, ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer( ptrdiff_t _Count ); Parameters_Count The maximum number of elements requested for which memory is to be allocated.Return ValueA pair whose first component is a pointer to the memory that was allocated, and whose second compo...
( int ); cout << "The number of integers in the array is: " << count << "." << endl; pair<int *, ptrdiff_t> resultPair; resultPair = get_temporary_buffer<int>( count ); cout << "The number of elements that the allocated memory\n" << "could store is given by: result...
template<class Type> pair<Type *, ptrdiff_t> get_temporary_buffer( ptrdiff_t _Count ); Paramètres_Count Le nombre maximal d'éléments demandés de la mémoire doit être allouée.Valeur de retourpair dont le premier composant est un pointeur vers la mémoire allouée, et dont le deuxième...
std::get_temporary_buffer std::return_temporary_buffer std::uninitialized_copy std::uninitialized_fill std::uninitialized_default_construct std::uninitialized_copy_n std::uninitialized_fill_n std::uninitialized_move_n std::uninitialized_default_construct_n std::uninitialized_value_construct_n std::con...
Tweeting with Buffer I continue to have an on and off relationship with Twitter. It’s been fun to talk with other developers and reach people directly, but a huge part of the network is sorting through the signal-to-noise echo chamber. It doesn’t make sense to sit on Twitter all da...