Sometimes you'll want to bring your team together for a meeting and Teams can provide you with a powerful virtual meeting room. You can schedule your meeting, hold your meeting, share screens and collaborate in real time, right within the Teams app on your desktop. Schedule ...
hello, I'm planning to create a project to redirect microsoft teams meeting livestream to my rtmp server and player. I searched documents but didn't find any material about using API to create and up... ChenguangHe Brass Contributor
Microsoft Teams Σχόλια Teams has several meeting features that can help make them more inclusive and dynamic. Rather than having a single presenter present information to an audience or a group in a room have discussions while remote participants observe, these features can give all partic...
For example, you can: Get details of an online meeting usingvideoTeleconferenceId,meeting ID,joinWebURL, orjoinMeetingId. Use the/attendeeReportpath to get the attendee report of aMicrosoft Teams live eventin the form of a download link, as shown inexample 5.(deprecated) ...
Get-CsTeamsFeedbackPolicy Get-CsTeamsGuestCallingConfiguration Get-CsTeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration Get-CsTeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration Get-CsTeamsIPPhonePolicy Get-CsTeamsMeetingBrandingPolicy Get-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration Get-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy Get-CsTeamsMeetingConfiguration Get-CsTeamsMeeti...
Learn about the process to obtain meeting ID and organizer ID for fetching meeting transcripts and recordings using Microsoft Graph APIs.
Forum Discussion Share Resources
Is it possible to extract the calendar invite link from aCreate a Teams Meetingaction? I don't want the 'Join a Meeting' link, but the URL to add to the calendar. The reason why, is that my flow automatically posts the meeting information into a channel, and of the ...
Is it possible to extract the calendar invite link from aCreate a Teams Meetingaction? I don't want the 'Join a Meeting' link, but the URL to add to the calendar. The reason why, is that my flow automatically posts the meeting information into a channel, and of the ...
By default, anyone who can schedule a Teams meeting can schedule a webinar. If you’re unable to schedule one, check with your IT admin. Who can register for a webinar? Anyone can register for a public webinar. Members of an organizer's org can register for private webinar...