SQL-Server-Get-Table-Size3 years ago by AdminAbout the author Admin A passionate Linux user for personal and professional reasons, always exploring what is new in the world of Linux and sharing with my readers. View all posts Linux Hint LLC, editor@linuxhint.com 1210 Kelly Park Circle, ...
Here is a super simple SQL query to determine the size of all tables in a given database: SELECTTABLE_NAMEAS"Table",round(((data_length+index_length)/1024/1024),2)ASSize_in_MBFROMinformation_schema.TABLESWHEREtable_schema='my_db_name'ORDERBYSize_in_MBDESC ...
SELECTTABLE_NAMEAS"Table Name",table_rowsAS"Quant of Rows",ROUND((data_length+index_length)/1024,2)AS"Total Size Kb"FROMinformation_schema.tablesWHEREinformation_schema.tables.table_schema='wpmu' The result can be looked as: MySQL tables size query result Tags:MySQL,sql This entry was posted...
SQLADM 權限 預設PUBLIC 專用權 無 範例 列出表格空間,並依表格空間儲存器的實體讀取數排序。 SELECT varchar(tbsp_name, 30) as tbsp_name, member, tbsp_type, pool_data_p_reads FROM TABLE(MON_GET_TABLESPACE('',-2)) AS t ORDER BY pool_data_p_reads DESC ...
UDF: Estimating the size of a table byJason (obsolete) SQLServerCentral Data Warehousing In database planning and design it is essential to plan out how much HD space you are going to need to store your data. If you use BOL and do a search for "Estimating Table Size" you get three ar...
SQLSetDescRec 函式 SQLSetEnvAttr 函式 SQLSetParam 函式 SQLSetPos 函式 SQLSetScrollOptions 函式 SQLSetStmtAttr 函式 SQLSetStmtOption 函式 SQLSpecialColumns 函式 SQLStatistics 函式 SQLTablePrivileges 函式 SQLTables 函數 SQLTransact 函式 設定DLL API 參照 安裝程式 DLL API 參照函式 翻譯DLL API 參...
SQLSetScrollOptions 函数 SQLSetStmtAttr 函数 SQLSetStmtOption 函数 SQLSpecialColumns 函数 SQLStatistics 函数 SQLTablePrivileges 函数 SQLTables 函数 SQLTransact 函数 安装DLL API 参考 安装程序 DLL API 引用函数 Translation DLL 的 API 参考 ODBC 服务提供程序接口 (SPI) 参考 ODBC 附录 ODBC 数据源管理员 OD...
Get size of all tables in database 回答1 SELECT t.NAME AS TableName, s.Name AS SchemaName, p.rows, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB, CAST(ROUND(((SUM(a.total_pages) * 8) / 1024.00), 2) AS NUMERIC(36, 2)) AS TotalSpaceMB, SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB,...
now each table has columns (i.e. country, region, sales, etc...) how can i get the size of each of these objects? perhaps it could be a powershell script but not sure if its possible to get the size of each table/column, because i dont see in SSMS a size property for t...
Tab size=3. // // Handy class to encapsulate logical disk drive functions in Windows. class CVolumeMaster { public: // Get bitmask of logical drives—same as Windows function. DWORD GetLogicalDrives() { return ::GetLogicalDrives(); } // Get drive type—same as Windows function. UINT Get...