SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity SynapseSparkJobReference TabularSource TabularSourceUnion TabularTranslator TarGZipReadSettings TarReadSettings TeamDeskAuthenticationType TeamDeskLinkedService TeradataAuthenticationType TeradataLinkedService TeradataPartitionOption TeradataPartitionSettings TeradataSource TeradataTableDatase...
SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity SynapseSparkJobReference TabularSource TabularSourceUnion TabularTranslator TarGZipReadSettings TarReadSettings TeamDeskAuthenticationType TeamDeskLinkedService TeradataAuthenticationType TeradataLinkedService TeradataPartitionOption TeradataPartitionSettings TeradataSource TeradataTableDataset...
开发者ID:nabeelh,项目名称:postgres,代码行数:101,代码来源:inval.c 示例4: DropTableSpace ▲点赞 2▼ /* * Drop a table space * * Be careful to check that the tablespace is empty. */voidDropTableSpace(DropTableSpaceStmt *stmt){#ifdefHAVE_SYMLINKchar*tablespacename = stmt->tablespacename; He...
ExpressRouteCircuitsArpTableListResultOutput ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdate200Response ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdate201Response ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateBodyParam ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateDefaultResponse ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdateMediaTypesParam ExpressRouteCircuitsCreateOrUpdatePa...
materialized views comes with its very own set of problems: from outdated data (if you have a steady stream of data being written to your table, like time-series data) to performance hits (as the materialized view's definition needs to rerun on all the data in the table to refresh ...
@@ -719,11 +719,13 @@ export class PostgresClient extends BasicDatabaseClient<QueryResult> { } async getViewCreateScript(view: string, schema: string = this._defaultSchema): Promise<string[]> { const createViewSql = `CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${wrapIdentifier(schema)}.${wrapIdentifier(view)...
* although it also defines columns in addition to table. */voidsepgsql_attribute_post_create(Oid relOid, AttrNumber attnum){ Relation rel; ScanKeyData skey[2]; SysScanDesc sscan; HeapTuple tuple;char*scontext;char*tcontext;char*ncontext;charaudit_name[2* NAMEDATALEN +20]; ...
Testing the postgres jdbc driver, I can confirm (unexpectedly) that it is indeed a hybrid behaviour. The following test passes: execute(c, "CREATE TABLE A_TABLE (a_text text, a_number numeric)"); try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO A_TABLE VALUES (?,?)")) { ...
Expand table abortSignal The signal which can be used to abort requests. onResponse A function to be called each time a response is received from the server while performing the requested operation. May be called multiple times. requestOptions Options used when creating and sending HTTP requests ...
我试图使用Dapper,Npgsql从.net应用程序连接到postgres数据库。插入后,我想知道插入行的id。我读过并尝试过选项。我尝试过像这样使用returning id:id = connection.Execute("insert into document_tag (tag) values (@tag) returning id;", new { tag },