使用新的 Microsoft 365 部署安装新的 Outlook 新的Outlook for Windows 客户端安装程序现已从 Microsoft Store 或 Office 内容分发网络 (CDN) 提供。新Outlook 当前通过切换以预览版升级到经典 Outlook for Windows。 用户可以选择下载安装程序并切换到新体验,并且可以选择从经典 Outlook 迁移设置 和安装加载项。 用户...
新的Outlook for Windows 也可通过切换从 Windows 邮件和日历应用升级。 从“邮件”和“日历”中切换的用户还会看到其帐户列出,以便在新应用中轻松登录。 目标计算机的先决条件 作为一项要求,需要为计划为其部署新 Outlook for Windows 的用户邮箱启用Outlook 网页版。 有关详细信息,请参阅:OWAEnabled 参...
Get started with a screen reader in Outlook on the web(在 Outlook 网页版中使用屏幕阅读器入门) 在Outlook 网页版中导航功能区 在Outlook 网页版 中,你可以通过使用 Ctrl+F6 进行导航,从一种功能跳向另一种功能,如工具栏或收件箱...
Skype for Business for Windows Phone Note: Effective May 20, 2018, the Windows Phone app for Skype for Business will be retired and will no longer be available for download from the Windows Phone Store. Get started quickly with these basic Skype for Business tasks for com...
, "body": "{{feedbackText.value}}" }, { "type": "Action.OpenUrl", "title": "Learn More", "url": "https://learn.microsoft.com/outlook/actionable-messages" } ] } Feel free to experiment with this simple example in the Designer. You can see the adaptive card reference for details...
Get started with Windows 365 Enterprise Find out what you need to know to jump into this new service and make it even easier for your users to connect to Windows running in the Microsoft cloud. Before I start explaining the steps required to get your environment up to s...
What's new in Microsoft Purview Get started with Microsoft Purview Multi-solution features and capabilities Data governance solutions Data security solutions Data security solutions Information protection Know your data, protect your data, prevent data loss Deploy an information protection solution Default ...
Get started with Windows 365 Enterprise Find out what you need to know to jump into this new service and make it even easier for your users to connect to Windows running in the Microsoft cloud. Before I start explaining the steps required to get your environment up to speed, I’d...
Connect like never before with just one click in a three-dimensional (3D) immersive space, helping Teams meetings and events feel more like face-to-face connections.
Create and share Microsoft 365 documents (Word for the web, Excel for the web, PowerPoint for the web, or OneNote for the web) Store, open, and share online files (OneDrive) Send and receive email (Outlook.com) Maintain an online calendar (Calendar) Manage your contacts list (P...