Borrowers may also be eligible for discharge if they have been certified as disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) where the notice of award for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits indicates that the borrower’s next scheduled disab...
Don’t worry if you have changed jobs frequently in the past two years. This is acceptable as long as each job change was an advance in your career. Write a letter explaining how each move benefitted your situation — more money, more responsibilities, a new employer with more opportunity....
–Whatever you get will be given to you in chunks if you get SSI, but in one lump sum if you get SSDI. That money will be exempt from your benefit and housing calculations, but only for one year. After that, it is considered “Assets” and could disqualify you from Food Stamps, Med...
It's going to take that kind of an investment to really gain -- get the gains that you'll need in order to really materially move forward in this area for the benefit of people with disabilities. The second recommendation is the need for efficacy research and outcomes research in the ...