Get-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServerConnectionString -Client ADO.NET -ResourceGroupName PowershellPostgreSqlTest -Name postgresql-test;Database={your_database};Port=5432;User Id=adminuser;Password={your_password}; 此cmdlet 按服务器名称显示客户端连接字符...
Sets AlwaysEncrypted setting in connection string if it is available in the .NET framework and returns the updated connection string No-op if there is not .NET 4.6 GetConnectionStringWithAlwaysEncryptedSetting(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, Boolean) Sets AlwaysEncrypted setting ...
MessageId:DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCONNECTIONSTRING MessageText:未能获取连接字符串。 C# 复制 public const int DTS_E_FAILEDTOGETCONNECTIONSTRING = -1071607026; 字段值 Value = -1071607026 Int32 适用于 产品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK 2016, 2017, 2019 ...
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.2.0 從這個SqlConnectionStringBuilder擷取對應到所提供之索引鍵的值。 C#複製 publicoverrideboolTryGetValue(stringkeyword,outobjectvalue); 參數 keyword String 要擷取之項目的索引鍵。 value Object 對應到keyword的值。 傳回 ...
connection.Open() DoWhile(StringType.StrCmp(sFlage,"",False)<>0) sql=(("Update [SystemKey] Set [SourceID]='"&Source&"', [LockTime]=GetDate() Where [KeyName]='"&KeyName)&"' AND ((DATEADD(millisecond, 1000, LockTime) <GetDate() ) OR ( SourceID=''))") ...
connection.Open() DoWhile(StringType.StrCmp(sFlage,"",False)<>0) sql=(("Update [SystemKey] Set [SourceID]='"&Source&"', [LockTime]=GetDate() Where [KeyName]='"&KeyName)&"' AND ((DATEADD(millisecond, 1000, LockTime) <GetDate() ) OR ( SourceID=''))") ...
private static void ReadGetOrdinal(string connectionString) { string queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID FROM dbo.Orders;"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader...
In SQL Server 2000, XML is passed into a T-SQL process as a simple string. Before it can be manipulated relationally or hierarchically, it must be identified to SQL Server as XML or "prepared." This is accomplished via a call to the system stored procedure sp_xml_preparedocument. Let's...
MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder =newMySqlConnectionStringBuilder(); builder.Database = vDatabaseName; builder.UserID = vUser; builder.Password = vPassword; builder.Server = vHostOrIP;stringconSTring = builder.GetConnectionString(true); conn =newMySqlConnection(builder.GetConnectionStr...
using( var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) sqlCommand.Connection = connection; await sqlCommand.Connection.OpenAsync(); using(var sqlDataReader = await sqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)) { } } } We saw this error on production system when using System.Da...