Though I’m not ready for a 3D printer, there are times when I’d love to have custom made printed parts. Is there a reliable company or person that will make them for you? Or a list of such? Another question I often get when I post a design is: “Are you planning on selling t...
However, if you decide to manufacture the invention and sell it yourself, you will need to continuously market your product. This can be a huge expense. If you don’t have much marketing experience, or aren’t particularly interested in learning, you might prefer to go the licensing route....
3D scanned models can be printed on 3D printers, uploaded to repository sites like Sketchfab to view and share online, or used as assets in video games and VFX. If you have a smartphone, you already have all the tools you need to make your first 3D sc...
Hi I often need to print a floating sphere supported by a horizontal stem. As such it needs support. I noticed that Creality's slicer, which I understand is based on Cura, adds a little basket around the sphere (see picture). I cannot get Cura to do the
aI am 17 years old and I am aspiring to make something out of my art. I'm interested in getting my art printed onto phone cases. I have been looking for the best way to make that happen and was wondering if you would be willing to tell me how you get your phone cases made. I ...
It's that time of year again when the RSPB ask the people of the UK to take part in their annual Big Garden Birdwatch. Here's what to know for 2025...
those with a nerdy streak. So once you digest the essential Herbie Hancock records, likeEmpyrean Isles,Head HuntersandThrust, you can go down a rabbit hole ofeverythinghe played on, past and present. Even if something doesn't live up to the classics, it'll b...
Would he prefer something handmade or something that comes from a well-known brand? Keep these questions in mind, and you’ll be sure to find a gift that will make your dad feel special and appreciated on Father’s Day. 10 Best Selling Things To Get For Father'S Day #Product Image...
As a side note, once these beautiful print skirts are gone, they’re gone for good. The designers only make a handful of them at a time. If you want something, get it. I’ll also do my best to keep this post updated with new and available African skirts, but I know from personal...
a package also motivates a buyer.Maybe the package had “Economy Size” or “Family Size” printed on it.This suggests that the larger size has the most product for the least money.But that is not always true.To find it out a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price...