your smiling face again.Make sure you eat all your chicken soup, drink all your orange juice, and get the rest you need so you can get better soon.Were sorry you havent been feeling well and we miss you at the office.Take care,Carol, Doris, ElsaWe hope you enjoy the crossword puzz...
clothing chosen as appropriate for a specific situation went to the prom in some elaborately beaded getup Synonyms & Similar Words costume attire dress garb clothes outfit togs apparel guise style drag raiment duds mode vestments fashion habiliment(s) caparison array ...
She says the structure of one tune may have an effect on whether it's useful in displacing another. She's also looking at whether everyday strategies help, like going for a run or doing a crossword.1. According to the text, what is an earworm? A. A song memorized in a personal ...
“Neuroscientists are studying other forms of creativity and finding that activities like cooking, drawing, cake decorating, photography, art, music and even doing crossword puzzles are beneficial,” writes Robin Shreeves forThe Mother Nature Network. “...When we’re being creative, our brains r...
Restless leg syndrome tends to be a lifelong condition but patients may be able to prevent symptoms in some cases with lifestyle changes, such as: Staying alert during the day with activities that stimulate the brain, such as crossword puzzles ...
19. the answer to a clue in a crossword 20. in light of in the light of in view of; taking into account; considering 21. light at the end of the tunnel hope for the ending of a difficult or unpleasant situation 22. out like a light quickly asleep or unconscious 23. see the light...
They want their students to know something about the craft (技巧) of a poem, and they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword ...
With a no-logging policy, you can rest assured that even FastestVPN doesn't have access to your information. This is as close as you can get to being truly invisible online. This service is made for no-buffering while downloading and streaming via its fast P2P-optimised 10Gbps+ servers. ...
The best stimulation requires any exercise that challenges the brain. When mental exploitation is required, such as playing a musical instrument or solving a math problem or crossword puzzle, new paths and bridges are created. Adding activities like painting or playing a musical instrument to the ...
For a HIIT workout, try to do 20 repetitions, then rest for two minutes. Repeat until you hate yourself. Check out our full guide onHow to Start Interval Trainingfor some more ideas on HIIT workouts. You can also check out our post “The 20-Min HIIT Workout for ...