Get a product by ID Get a promotion by ID Get a SKU by ID Get a subscription by ID Get activation link by order line item Get add-ons for an offer ID Get an availability by ID Get an Azure entitlement for a subscription Get an offer by ID ...
$arCatalog = CCatalog::GetSkuInfoByProductID($arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]); } $obExport =newCIBlockCMLExport();if($_SESSION["BX_CML2_EXPORT"]["step"] ===3&& $obExport->Init($fp, is_array($arCatalog) ? $arCatalog["IBLOCK_ID"] : $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"], $_SESSION["BX_CML2_...
Get-PartnerProductSku [-CountryCode <String>] -ProductId <String> [-ReservationScope <String>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Get-PartnerProductSku [-CountryCode <String>] -ProductId <String> [-ReservationScope <String>] -SkuId <String> [<CommonParameters>]Power...
HRESULT SLGetProductSkuInformation( [in] HSLC hSLC, [in] const SLID *pProductSkuId, [in] PCWSTR pwszValueName, [out, optional] SLDATATYPE *peDataType, [out] UINT *pcbValue, [out] PBYTE *ppbValue ); 参数[in] hSLC类型: HSLC当前...
- productId:表示要获取其可转换SKU列表的商品的唯一标识符。 具体示例: var product = getProductById(productId); var convertibleSkus = get_convertible_skus(; 在这个示例中,我们首先使用getProductById方法获取了一个商品对象,然后使用get_convertible_skus方法获取了该商品的可转换SKU列表。 步骤3:...
HRESULT SLGetProductSkuInformation( [in] HSLC hSLC, [in] const SLID *pProductSkuId, [in] PCWSTR pwszValueName, [out, optional] SLDATATYPE *peDataType, [out] UINT *pcbValue, [out] PBYTE *ppbValue ); 参数[in] hSLC类型: HSLC当前...
<ProductID> ProductIDType (string) </ProductID> <Quantity> int </Quantity> <SellingStatus> SellingStatusType <QuantitySold> int </QuantitySold> <QuantitySoldByPickupInStore> int </QuantitySoldByPickupInStore> </SellingStatus> <SKU> string </SKU> <StartPrice> AmountType (double) </Start...
WithSku ApiManagementServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags ApiManagementServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualNetworkConfiguration ApiManagementServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualNetworkType ApiManagementServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithZones ApiManagementServiceResource.Update ApiManagementServiceResource...
data.out_product_id string Custom Product ID data.sku_id number Mini Store interior skuID data.out_sku_id string Merchant definition skuID, string data.thumb_img string sku small diagram data.sale_price number Sale Price in Units data.market_price numbe...
If you’re confused about how to get a barcode for a product, the answer is actually quite simple. Follow these 5 easy steps to learn how to get barcodes.