and part of the code is trying to get the size of a string in a cell array of strings. I am using the function: mxGetNumberOfElements, but for some reason this function is causing matlab to force close down. I am passing to it: 'const mxArray *Array_Ptr'. Any help will be ...
How can I get select rows of a cell?. Learn more about cell, array, celldisplay, textscan MATLAB
ButtonDownFcn: string -or-functionhandle-or-cellarray Children Clipping: [ {on} | off ] CreateFcn: string -or-functionhandle-or-cellarray DeleteFcn: string -or-functionhandle-or-cellarray BusyAction: [ {queue} | cancel ] HandleVisibility: [ {on} | callback | off ] HitTest: [ {on} |...
Ifhis a single object andpropertyNamesis a string or character vector that specifies one property,getreturns the value of the specified property. Ifhis a single object andpropertyNamesis a cell array that specifies one or more properties,getreturns a1-by-ncell array containing the values of the...
elName—Name ofDatasetobject element to get string|character array|cell array containing one character vector Name ofDatasetobject element to get, specified as: A string reflecting the name of theDatasetobject element. A character array reflecting the name of theDatasetobject element. ...
Or, another example, if eachOptimizevalueis an array of potentially different size, then you can store them in a 1x4 cell array: Nmodels = numel(VarianModel); Optimizevalue = cell(1,Nmodels); fori = 1:Nmodels % ... % ... calculations ...
"what am I doing wrong?" You are trying to assign one array to multiple cells of the cell array. You could think of it something like this: Theme
title('White Mask Image', 'FontSize', fontSize); % bwboundaries() returns a cell array, where each cell contains the row/column coordinates for an object in the image. % Plot the borders of all the coins on the original grayscale image using the coordinates returned by bwboundaries. sub...
Huh? Of course polyfit works. It does NOT require the x values be distinct. I'm not at all sure why you think that is necessary. Perhaps you are thinking of tools like interp1, or an interpolating spline. Regardless, polyfit does not provide an inverse computation. Nor does fit...