Useralt[data为列表或元组的情况][data不为列表或元组的情况]传递列表或元组初始化shape_list为空列表检查data是否为列表或元组将data的长度添加到shape_list中将data的第一个元素赋值给data重复上述步骤直到data不再是列表或元组返回shape_list的元组形式 总结 get_shape_list函数是一个非常有用的工具,可以帮助我们理...
def get_shape_list(tensor, expected_rank=None, name=None) 参数: tensor:一个需要返回shape的tf.Tensor expected_rank:int或者是一个int的list。输入tensor期望的rank(也就是矩阵的维度),如果输入tensor的rank不等于这个数,或者不是这个list的元素之一,会抛异常。 #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 ...
You can get the shape of a one-dimensionallistin Python, using thelen() function. This function returns the number of elements in the list, which corresponds to the size of the one-dimensional list. For example, apply this function over the given listmylist, it will return the integer(4)...
The simplest method to get the shape of a list in Python is by using thelen()function. It provides the length (number of elements) of a list, effectively giving the size of the first dimension. Thelen()function has a simple and concise syntax: ...
在使用x.get_shape().as_list()的前提:x必须为tensor类型 x.get_shape()返回的是一个<‘TensorShape’>的元组类型,as_list()将结果转化为list类型 import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np a_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) b_list = [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]] c...
这是tensorflow中常用于获取tensor维度信息的函数,注意该函数只能用于tensor对象。Tensor.get_shape()本身获取tensor的维度信息并以元组的形式返回,由于元组内容不可更改,故该函数常常跟.as_list()连用,返回一个tensor维度信息的列表,以供后续操作使用。 日记本 ...
The Python list and tuple objects are different from the NumPy array object. When you need to get the shape of a list or a tuple, you need to use thelen()function to get the rows and columns defined in the object. A NumPy array must have the same number of values in each row or ...
ListQC { public static void main(String[] args) { List<User> userList = new ArrayLis...
GetListListFloat GetAttrNum Shape 简介 构造函数 operator== operator!= operator[] IsScalar SetScalar GetDimNum SetDimNum GetDim SetDim AppendDim StorageFormat 构造函数 GetOriginFormat SetOriginFormat GetStorageFormat SetStorageFormat GetExpandDimsType SetExpandDimsType M...
(cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants) File"/home/saurabh/tfnightly/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line2640,inBuildLoop pred, body, original_loop_vars, loop_vars, shape_invariants) File"/home/saurabh/tfnightly/lib/python3.5/site...