Powershell command of "get-disk | select serialnumber"Also shows it as 0700079716000020Getting it from USB controller using something like below:-gwmi Win32_USBControllerDevice |%{[wmi]($_.Dependent)} | Where-Object {($_.Description -like '*m ass*')} | Sort Description,DeviceID | ft ...
当你在命令行界面(如CMD、PowerShell或终端)中输入并执行wmic baseboard get serialnumber命令时,你正在使用Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) 工具来查询计算机的基础板(也称为主板或母板)的序列号。这个命令非常有用,因为它允许你无需打开机箱就能获取到主板的序列号,这在需要系统维护、故障排除...
WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)在最新版本的Windows中已被弃用,微软推荐使用Windows PowerShell来替代WMIC进行系统管理和信息查询。PowerShell提供了Get-CimInstance和Get-WmiObject命令来获取和操作WMI信息,这两个命令可以作为WMIC的替代品。 WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)在最新版...
How do I retrieve this information via Powershell? I tried the following to retrieve a device: $Device = Get-MsolDevice -DeviceId "xxxxx" But when I checked the device, I could not find a serial number. If this is not possible, is there a way to retrieve the serial number using Mic...
PowerShell Get-PhysicalDisk[[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-SerialNumber] <String>] [-Usage <PhysicalDiskUsage>] [-Description <String>] [-Manufacturer <String>] [-Model <String>] [-CanPool <Boolean>] [-HealthStatus <PhysicalDiskHealthStatus>] [-CimSession <CimSession>] [<CommonParameters>]...
Power Off Reapply Redeploy Reimage Restart Retrieve Boot Diagnostics Data Simulate Eviction Start Update Run Command Compute Schedule Confluent Consumption Container Instances Container Registry Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider Cost Management Custom Providers Data Box Data Box Ed...
PowerShell 复制 PS C:\>Get-StorageEnclosure -FriendlyName "E1" This command gets the enclosure named E1.Example 3: Get an enclosure by using an IDPowerShell 复制 PS C:\>Get-StorageEnclosure -UniqueId "{b2c21800-b833-11e2-9981-806e6f6e6963}" This command gets the enclosure that ...
PowerShell Get-PhysicalDisk[[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-SerialNumber] <String>] [-Usage <PhysicalDiskUsage>] [-Description <String>] [-Manufacturer <String>] [-Model <String>] [-CanPool <Boolean>] [-HealthStatus <PhysicalDiskHealthStatus>] [-CimSession <CimSession>] [<CommonParameters>]...
PowerShell Copy Get-StorageEnclosure [[-FriendlyName] <String[]>] [[-SerialNumber] <String[]>] [-Manufacturer <String[]>] [-Model <String[]>] [-HealthStatus <HealthStatus[]>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [<CommonParameters>]...