I am trying to get selected radio button value using jsp.Actually am displaying my database value through radio button using jsp.I need to selected radio button value and am also need to text box value through submit button at the same time. Finally the selected value transfer into another ...
public class RadioButtonTest extends JFrame { private JTextField jtfAnswer=new JTextField(10); private JRadioButton jrbMale=new JRadioButton("Male"); private JRadioButton jrbFemale=new JRadioButton("Female"); private JButton jbSubmit=new JButton("Submit"); public RadioButtonTest(){ setLayout(...
RadioButtonGroup.GetSelectedValue(BindableObject) MethodReference DefinitionNamespace: Xamarin.Forms Assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll C# 复制 public static object GetSelectedValue (Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject bindableObject); Parameters bindableObject BindableObject Returns System.Object Applies to 产品...
Calendar error - "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime" CALENDAR: Disable past dates Calendar.SelectedDate - Is selected? call a javascript function if a required field validator fails call a page load event from another code behind Call a Postback in a Jav...
JavaScriptjQuery Share this article Simple jQuery code snippet to get the chosen value from a radio button group. $('input:radio[name=theme]:checked').val(); or when it is selected try: $('input:radio[name=theme]').click(function(){varvalue=$(this).val();}); ...
public short GetIndex (System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton o); 参数 o RadioButton 控件数组中的 RadioButton。 返回 Int16 Short,表示指定的 RadioButton 的索引。 注解 此方法可用于检索 的 RadioButton索引。 备注 Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6 命名空间中的函数和对象用于工具从 Visual Basi...
登录 消除警报 版本 .NET Framework 4.8.1 PlaceHolderControlBuilder PolygonHotSpot ProfileParameter QueryableDataSource QueryableDataSourceEditData QueryableDataSourceView QueryContext QueryCreatedEventArgs QueryExtender QueryExtensions QueryStringParameter RadioButton ...
}if(hobbyValue.length>0) {//正确hobbyFlag=true; }else{ hobbyFlag=false; alert("爱好为必填项,最少选择一个"); }for(varj=0; j<uny.length; j++) {//会循环所有option//如果选择第一个,未选择院校,只需要判断option的value是否等于0//如果等于0:未选择,否则就可以通过if(uny[j].selected) {/...
Returns the selected radio button. 复制 int GetSelectedRadioButtonID() const; Return Value The ID of the selected radio button. Remarks You can use this method after the user closes the dialog box to retrieve the selected radio button. Example c++ 复制 // TODO: Replace the strings below...