If you have two select fields and want to load options in second one, based on selected option from first one then, below example will help you lot to understand how it can be done. Here in this example, when a user selects country in first select field, jQuery on change event is ca...
Given a drop-down, we have to get the value of selected option using jQuery. Submitted byPratishtha Saxena, on August 25, 2022 Select tag(<select>) in HTML allows user to create a drop-down menu. The options for it are declared using the option tag (<option>). This option tag takes...
<option value="Komal " >Komal </option> <option value="Ranjeet">Ranjeet</option> <option value="Vishal ">Vishal </option> <option value="Gaurav">Gaurav</option> <option value="Dhanpat">Dhanpat</option> </select> </div> <a href="#" class="selectedList">get selected</a> </body...
The second one is the text value of the select element. In the example code, we will show how you can get the text value of the select using jQuery. The following select box has some options with values, the text value of the selected option will be retrieved from this select element....
3) Get selected element tag name using jQuery tagName property This is again a property of the element which will help to get the name of the tag used for it. By just passing "tagName and the index value (just like the nodeName), it will return the appropriate tag name. ...
Most of the time in JavaScript we want to do following things with Select (or dropdown) list box. –Get the value of selected option – Get the text of selected option – Get the text of option using its value We can usejQueryfor all of the above tasks.jQueryprovide very simple one ...
In thecallbackfunction, you can write whatever code you want. Since we want to get the value of the option selected in this case, we will usee.target. This command will tell which HTML element is currently being selected. Finally, to get the value of that option selected, we can usee....
<optionvalue="5">Prof</option> </select> If you wanted to get the string "Mr" if the first option was selected (instead of just "1") you would do that in the following way: 1 2 $("#myselect option:selected").text();
Most of the time in JavaScript we want to do following things with Select (or dropdown) list box. –Get the value of selected option – Get the text of selected option – Get the text of option using its value We can use jQuery for all of the above tasks. jQuery provide very simple...
Probably a simple answer to this one... I need to use the select option on the autocomplete widget to change some data elsewhere on the page, but to do it, I need ot get the value of what was selected in the first place. What variable do I grab for that?