Apex 開発者ガイド/Apex 言語のリファレンス/System 名前空間/PageReference クラス/PageReference メソッド/getUrl() getUrl() URL が本来定義されている場合は、クエリ文字列パラメータやアンカーをすべて含む PageReference に関連付けられた相対 URL を返します。
To get started with your first custom adapter for Salesforce Connect, create two Apex classes: one that extends the DataSource.Connection class, and one that extends the DataSource.Provider class.
get current record id salesforce. apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id') can be used to get current record id or other url parameters in apex
A test suite is a collection of Apex test classes that you run together. For example, create a suite of tests that you run every time you prepare for a deployment or Salesforce releases a new version. Set up a test suite in the Developer Console to define a set of test classes that ...
This sample application is designed to run on Salesforce Platform. If you want to experience Lightning Web Components on any platform, please visit https://lwc.dev, and try out our Lightning Web Components sample application LWC Recipes OSS....
Sample application for Lightning Web Components and Experience Cloud on Salesforce Platform. Retail use case. Get inspired and learn best practices. - trailheadapps/ebikes-lwc
Salesforce Apex Rest Callout 更新JSON形式的数据 results = (Map) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody()); } return results...response.getStatusCode() + ' ' + response.getStatus()); } else { System.debug(response.getBody...()); results = (Map) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody...
A test suite is a collection of Apex test classes that you run together. For example, create a suite of tests that you run every time you prepare for a deployment or Salesforce releases a new version. Set up a test suite in the Developer Console to define a set of test classes that ...
Use the sObject addError() method in a trigger to restrict save operations. Before You Begin Apex triggers are useful, fun, and groovy. While this module helps you get started with them, it also references other Salesforce features to show you the power of Apex triggers. To get the ...
Using Salesforce Features with Apex /Connect in Apex/Connect in Apex Examples/Get Feed Elements From Another User’s Feed Get Feed Elements From Another User’s Feed Call a method to get feed elements from another user’s feed. CallgetFeedElementsFromFeed(communityId...