How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Even if you keep your home clean and check for roaches diligently, sometimes they may still invade—this usually happens in apartment complexes and tightly packed cities. And if you’re dealing with an infestation, you’ll likely need professional help. Cockroaches...
Roaches often seek out the drains because of thehumidconditions. However, placing a trap down there is not easy. Bleach is potent, and you should treat it accordingly. What you’ll need is ¼ cup that is poured down thedrain. Plug the drain before doing so, and then leave it there f...
If you're unsure what you have, place two pieces of sticky tape over the problem drain in the shape of an "X" and leave it in place overnight. Anything that crawls out of the drain will get stuck to the tape so you can identify it yourself or take it to an expert for help. Onc...
No matter how clean an apartment building appears to be, if it’s poorly insulated and its piping is old, roaches can still get in through drain pipes and such. Just thinking about the ways roaches can get into your apartment can make you really paranoid! Fortunately, because the Japanese ...
Cleaning Artificial Suede Preventing Toilet Bowl Discoloration Deodorizing Old Magazines How to Keep Appliances Fingerprint Free Removing Old Bathtub Caulking Cleaning Sticky Scissors How to Clean Pewter Banishing Pantry Bugs Advertisement - Continue Reading Below...
• Roaches • Scorpions • Silverfish • Spiders • Ticks • Weevils • What are Termites? • Termite Swarm Map • Termites in Florida • Common Signs of Termite Infestation • Termite Inspection • How to Get Rid of Termites • DIY Termite Treatments • Desert Termites ...
Get rid of the eggs:Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. Vacuum carpets like your life depends on it, and be even stricter about your pet’s bed and resting places. Wash bedding often in hot water with a splash of white vinegar as well. Empty vacuum right away and take trash out to prevent the ...
7 years ago Ammonia works. And it cleans at the same time. Spray on a line of ants and in 30 seconds all but 1 or 2 will be gone. Then just take a paper towel and wipe them up! I keep a spray bottle of straight ammonia under the sink, both for ants and for cleaning and degr...
To drain soil, change its slope, aerate it, or mix sand into it. Also, keep your lawn mowed to reduce the amount of water beneath the grass blades. Be aware of damp areas in your home, such as drains and leaky pipes. Clean and make repairs as needed to keep your home dry. Agitate...