It’s important to note that armadillos can pass leprosy onto humans through a scratch or bite. However, the risk is pretty low in North America. They can also carry rabies, though the likelihood is no greater than with other wild animals such as possums, rats, and rabbits. What are ar...
Stray or neighboring wildlife such as squirrels, deer, rabbits, raccoons and mice can easily transport fleas or ticks to your yard. Make your property less desirable to these animals and limit their access by following these tips: Patch up holes in fences. Keep a lid on garbage cans. Clean ...
garden, or flowerbeds, the first step is understanding their growth. Mushrooms thrive in damp, shaded areas, springing up from fungi and feasting on organic matter. To bid these intruders farewell and get rid of mushrooms in your yard, start by addressing conditions that favor their growth, s...
Voles, like many other rodents, are omnivores, which means that they’ll eat almost anything. However, voles have a primarily vegetarian diet; they mainly eat stems and blades of lawn grass—so it’s usually vole tunnels that you’ll see near the yard’s surface. Moles, on the other han...
How to Get Rid of Ants in the YardJoel House
Rabbits don’t like to stray far from their shelters, so try to reduce the possible rabbit homes around your yard. Rake away piles of brush and leaves, fill in abandoned burrows, and seal any holes under sheds or structures. If a rabbit doesn’t have a place to live or hide nearby, ...
If your pet is already on a flea treatment product, ask your vet about switching to something else. And make sure you treat every pet in the house,including dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets. Crank Up the Vacuum Cleaner If you rarely vacuum, fleas should inspire a change of habit. ...
Searching the yard for white puffballs to blow is a favorite summer pastime for kids, but most adults are more interested in learning how to get rid of dandelions marring a perfect lawn. This broadleaf perennial can be a nuisance in yards, flower beds, and gardens. So, how do you get...
in a large colony with dozens of animals while moles are solitary. This is another important fact to remember when figuring out how to get rid of moles in your yard. Yes, one mole can create quite a few soil mounds, but that one small animal is a whole lot easier to control than ...
determining how to get rid of chiggers often leads to a two-prong approach. The first action is to make your yard inhospitable to chiggers. The second is to make yourself less inviting to the pests. The alternative, which isn't always practical, involves the use of pesticides, either chemic...