Lemon contains acid. The citric acid of lemon helps to get rid of toenail fungus. It not only cures the infection but also prevents the fungus from spreading to other nails or other regions of your body. It is easy to use just squeeze a lemon and apply the extract to the affected nail...
In some cases, a treatment-resistant toenail infection is actually due to bacterial rather than fungal pathogens. The tea tree oil discourages both, and sunshine may also be an additional disinfectant. Certainly, you can’t beat the price of sunlight! Urea Removes Infected Nail: Q.I have cure...
Athlete's foot will not go away on its own, so it's important to treat it. Left untreated, deep cracks and skin breaks can occur. This can make it more likely that abacterial infectionwill set in.It also could spread to other parts of your body, including your groin. How to Keep A...
Also, avoid pedicures or salon treatments while having the infection. This helps in preventing the spread of fungal infections from one toe or one foot to another. Can nail polish influence the fungus in the toenail? Nail polish helps in trapping moisture in the nail bed. It aids in the gr...
In most cases, thick toenails are caused by a fungal infection, psoriasis, or aging. Depending on the cause, getting rid of thick toenails may involve: Fungal infection: Prescription creams or ointments Oral medications Removing the nail to treat the nail bed underneath Laser therapy Psoriasis:...
Tinea pedis.Athlete’s footwhich causes itchiness between the toes. Some people may also developtinea unguium, which is a fungal nail infection and causesthickening of the nail. Tinea cruris.Fungal infectionaffecting the groin areawhich forms reddish-brown patches of itchy. It is commonly referred...
My toe was incredibly infected and when I finally went to get it taken care, it of took, like 10 shots of novocaine to finally numb my foot, all of which hurt like crazy because of the infection. I thought the nail being removed would hurt a million times more, but it didn't hurt...
Does Bleach Work for Toenail Fungus? Watch the Video Below. Toenail fungus is extremely hard to get rid of once you have a severe infection. Many turn to the most… Home Remedies for Nail Fungus September 28, 2016 Overview When someone realizes they have a nail fungal infection they probably...
8. Skin and Nail Fungal Infections Athlete’s footand fungal infections in the toenail are common yeast infections, which stem from the same strain of candida. Continued infections may be a sign that you have a systemic candida infection. ...
How to get rid of yeast infection? As a rule, superficial candidal infections can be treated easily at home. An OTC (over-the-counter) treatment for candidiasis or a prescription medication can help to clear it within a few days. But in case the immune system is weakened by some other ...