还有一个问题也会导致Required request body is missing ,就是MeiziTuPictureRequestVo 为空。 代码语言:javascript 复制 @DisableAuth @PostMapping(path = "/getModelHomeBackgroundInfoPost") public RetResult getModelHomeBackgroundInfoPost(@RequestBody MeiziTuPictureRequestVo meiziTuPictureRequestVo) { } 本文...
@Override public ResponseVo<Integer> findCommentTmp(@RequestBody ArrayList<Long> ids) { log.info("ids:{}",ids); return null; } 报错(没有集成venus-cloud-feign是正常的): org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: public com.lx.core.mo...
Using a RequestBody makes more sense, but the generator does not render it. Instead a query parameter entry is there and when executed in the Swagger UI the following exception is thrown: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: To ...
NameInRequiredTypeDescription name path True string Name of the app. resourceGroupName path True string Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs. Regex pattern: ^[-\w\._\(\)]+[^\.]$ subscriptionId path True string Your Azure subscription ID. This is a GUID-form...
@RequestMapping(value = "/users", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List<User> list(@RequestBody User user) { return userService.getList(user); } feign分别尝试了Java原生URLConnection,OkHttp,ApacheHttpClient三种方式: 1.URLConnection报405错误,说明http方法不对,但是feign配置是GET方法,查feign的日志...
③ 使用@RequestBody注解接收request payload形式的请求体参数;使用@RequestParam注解接收formData形式的请求体参数。 ④ 使用axios发送post请求时,使用序列化工具Qs.stringify()对data进行序列化。axios可以自动转换请求体形式。 ⑤ 查询的时候,我是使用POST方式的request payload形式发送请求,后台使用@RequestBody注解进行接收...
报405错误,说明http方法不对,但是feign配置是GET方法,查feign的日志也是用的GET方法。后来发现原因是URLConnection在的原因:对于有request body的GET方法,自动改为POST方法了。 OkHttp 直接报错:method GET must not have a request body. ApacheHttpClient
the channel binding token (CBT) from the underlying TLS channel. TheGetRequestStreammethod provides access to this information for HTTP methods which have a request body (POSTandPUTrequests). This is only needed if the application is implementing its own authentication and needs access to the CBT...