Red wine goes great with a meal, but those stains do not pair well with your clothes. When that sneaky drop of merlot lands on your favorite dress, let Tide show you how to get red wine out of clothes. Whether it’s a dark spot of red or a dribble of stray white or rosé, wine...
If you cringe at the thought of your kids roughhousing in the yard because of the work you'll have to put into their clothes afterward, worry no more. Grass stains aren't as invincible as they seem. One of the coolest ways to get grass stains out involves a product ...
If you need to know how to get fresh grease stains out of clothes, absorb excess moisture using cornflour first. Removing blood stains with salt ✦ Time is of the essence when learning how to remove blood stains from clothes: the sooner you can treat it, the better. ...
That red stain on your clean,white shirtalmost feels like the ketchup bottle was trying to say something. Red for danger! Leave it to Tide to show you how to get ketchup stains out of your clothes and upholstery in a few easy-to-remember steps, so you can enjoy your fries without a ...
Stains: Sign up here for new product info and offers! Ever accidentally tossed a red shirt in with a load of white clothes? If so, you may have found your load of whites distinctly pink after that wash. This kind of accidental colour-run can be fixed with the right steps and we’ll...
You love that soda pop fizz, but not when a can explodes over your clothes. Fizzle out those stains and enjoy your drink without worrying about how to get rid of soft drink stains with these helpful tips from Tide. On-the-Go Tip ...
Wash the article of clothing as you normally would, using a small amount of bleach if the fabric can tolerate it. The “hot waterfall” also works to loosenfruit and berry stains. It works withred wineif you first sprinkle a little salt on the stain. For more tips on how to remove re...
Steps to remove ink stains from white bleach-safe clothes Pre-treat with alcohol-based hand sanitizer Use enough to saturate the stain. This will start to break up the ink, and you will see the stain begin to lighten. Let the hand sanitizer gel stay on the ink stain for a few minutes...
A Cleaning Expert Breaks Down Laundry Stripping How to Remove Blood Stains from Your Clothes The Best Carpet Stain Removers The Best Stain Removers for Clothes How to Get Gum Out of Clothes How to Get Paint out of Carpet
Get dirt on your clothes? Learn how to remove dirt stains including mud and red dirt from white clothes, fabrics, and other types of clothing and surfaces. More from Clorox experts Discover more ways to clean. Use as directed. Laundry ...