FNavLocation RandomPt;const bool bFound = NavMesh->GetRandomReachablePointInRadius(Bot->GetActorLocation(), SearchRadius, RandomPt);if (bFound) {UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hello23333333"));MoveToLocation(RandomPt.Location);}else
使用GetRandomPointNavigableRadius以及类似的GetRandomReachablePointInRadius节点,均无法产生有效的vector,检查了一下返回值一直为false,这个问题是出于什么原因所有回复 只看老师 老师_Bathur • 2019-11-25 您好,尝试设置更大的Radius值呢? 虽然我在使用过程中此节点没有问题,但是此节点的返回效果与导航网格的...
I suppose the RandomPointInRadius node actually has more to do with pathfinding and stuff, rather than what it actually sounds like. So far I can only “suppose” because of the lack of info I can get about nodes in the documentation. In the link I’ve found, there’s this formula: ...
static bool K2_GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius( UObject * WorldContextObject, const FVector & Origin, FVector & RandomLocation, float Radius, ANavigationData * NavData, TSubclassOf< UNavigationQueryFilter > FilterClass) Back to top GamesFortniteFall GuysRocket LeagueUnreal TournamentInfinity...