# here we capture the result in an intermediate variable $obj and utput that to be collected ...
PowerShell 复制 Get-LogProperties [-Name] <Object> [<CommonParameters>] 说明 此cmdlet 仅在 Windows 平台上可用。 此cmdlet 获取 Windows 事件日志的配置设置。 此 cmdlet 由 Enable-PSTrace 和Disable-PSTrace cmdlet 使用。 示例 示例1:获取 Windows PowerShell 事件日志的配置设置 Power...
7 PowerShell: Get the MSI product code out of a MSI file without installing? 1 Powershell Get MSI Information 0 Use PowerShell to Query WindowsInstaller.Installer 2 How to get all properties in msi file 1 Powershell Get MSI file GUID 2 Powershell - How to use "WindowsInstaller.I...
AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access...
PowerShell 复制 Get-Member [-InputObject <PSObject>] [[-Name] <String[]>] [-MemberType <PSMemberTypes>] [-View <PSMemberViewTypes>] [-Static] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Get-Member cmdlet 可获取对象的成员(属性和方法)。 若要指定该对象,请使用 InputObject 参数,或通过管道将对象...
Here is an example of “PowerShell file size”. $file = Get-Item "C:\Bijay\Dummy\spguides.pdf" $fileSize = $file.Length Write-Host "File Size: $fileSize bytes" $file = Get-Item “C:\Bijay\Dummy\spguides.pdf”: This command fetches the file properties of the specified file. ...
PowerShell PS>Get-Item/Users Directory: / UnixMode User Group LastWriteTime Size Name --- --- --- --- --- ---drwxr-xr-x root admin12/20/201911:46192Users The new properties that are now part of the output are: UnixModeis the file permissions...
Bottom line, you need to instantiate the results to correctly measure the performance of a LINQ query (for this, let's just retrieve one of the properties of the returned object within the measurement): (Measure-Command { $Result = ([Linq.Enumerable]::Where($array, [Func[obje...
Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Gets the value for one or more properties of a specified item.SyntaxPowerShell Kopēt Get-ItemPropertyValue [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Name] <String[]> [-Filter <String>] [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [...
Well, PowerShell 5.1 brought some relief for admins needing computer specific information withGet-ComputerInfo. WithGet-ComputerInfo, an object is returned that contains system and operating system properties. And like all objects in PowerShell, you can work with the data through the pipeline howev...