PowerShell提供了更灵活和强大的管理能力。可以使用Get-Process和Start-Process等命令来获取进程信息并启动新进程,并使用.ProcessorAffinity属性来设置CPU亲和度。 示例: powershellCopy Code $proc=Get-Process-Name"your_process_name"$proc.ProcessorAffinity =0x03# 设置亲和度,此处为 CPU 0 和 CPU 1$proc|Format...
public ref class GetProcessCommand sealed : Microsoft::PowerShell::Commands::ProcessBaseCommandInheritance Object InternalCommand Cmdlet ProcessBaseCommand GetProcessCommand Attributes CmdletAttribute OutputTypeAttribute Constructors Expand table GetProcessCommand() Properties...
PowerShell SDK 7.4 Pesquisar Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands AddContentCommand AddHistoryCommand AddMemberCommand AddTypeCommand AdminPasswordStatus AliasProvider AliasProviderDynamicParameters BaseCsvWritingCommand BaseCsvWritingCommand.QuoteKind BasicHtmlWebResponseObject BootOptionAction BreakpointType ByteCollection...
在Windows 11 中,WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)工具已被废弃,微软推荐使用PowerShell中的Get-WmiObject和Get-CimInstance等 cmdlet 来替代其功能。不过,WMIC 被停用可能会对一些管理和自动化任务造成影响,尤其是在一些自动化脚本或企业环境中,管理员习惯性依赖 WMIC 来获取系统信息或执行管理任务。
Group Policy > Process (session) execution policy > User execution policy > Computer execution policy. For more information about Windows PowerShell execution policy, including definitions of the Windows PowerShell policies, see about_Execution_Policies (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170)...
PowerShell Get-History|Where-Object{$_.CommandLine-like"*Service*"} 示例3:将历史记录条目导出到特定 ID 此示例获取以条目 7 结尾的五个最新历史记录条目。 管道运算符将结果传递给Export-Csvcmdlet,此 cmdlet 将历史记录的格式设置为以逗号分隔的文本,并将其保存在 History.csv 文件中。 该文件包括将历史记...
Use the Get-Content command in Windows PowerShell scripts Completed 100 XP 6 minutes You can use Get-Content to retrieve data from a text file for use in your scripts. The information retrieved from the text file is stored in an array and each line in the text file...
To download or update the help files for a module in PowerShell 3.0, use the Update-Help cmdlet. You can also view the PowerShell help documents online. To get the online version of a help file, use the Online parameter, such as: Get-Help Get-Process -Online. If you type Get-Help ...
PowerShell SDK 7.4 Search Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands AddContentCommand AddHistoryCommand AddMemberCommand AddTypeCommand AdminPasswordStatus AliasProvider AliasProviderDynamicParameters BaseCsvWritingCommand BaseCsvWritingCommand.QuoteKind BasicHtmlWebResponseObject BootOptionAction BreakpointType ByteCollection Ca...
You can also view the PowerShell help documents online. To get the online version of a help file, use theOnlineparameter, such as:Get-Help Get-Process -Online. If you typeGet-Helpfollowed by the exact name of a help article, or by a word unique to a help article,Get-Helpdisplays the...