我查了一下,看到有人提到在Windows 10上PowerShell从7.1版本就开始存在这个问题了。
As you found out yourself, the correct way to check the current PowerShell version is using the $PSVersionTable command (see also: Determine installed PowerShell version): # Windows PowerShell $PSVersionTable Name Value --- --- PSVersion 5.1.19041.4780 PSEdition Desktop PS...
PowerShell Get-ModulePowerShellGet, PackageManagement-ListAvailable 以下输出显示需要安装最新的稳定版本。 Output Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands --- --- --- --- Binary PackageManagement {Find-Package, Get-Package, ... Script...
從Windows PowerShell 5.0 開始,Cmdlet 的結果Get-Command預設會顯示 Version 數據行。 新的Version 屬性已新增至 CommandInfo 類別。範例範例1:取得 Cmdlet、函式和別名此命令會取得電腦上安裝的PowerShell Cmdlet、函式和別名。PowerShell 複製 Get-Command...
I encountered an error while running my application with PowerShell version 7. The error message states: "Get-ExecutionPolicy: The 'Get-ExecutionPolicy' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run Import-Module Mi...
In PowerShell v7.5 we plan to ship PowerShellGet v3.0.0 and the latest stable version of PSResourceGet, side-by-side. We will get community feedback about the compatibility layer that will help use decide on the final plans for PowerShell v7.5. ...
PowerShell 复制 Publish-Module -Name <String> [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-NuGetApiKey <String>] [-Repository <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-FormatVersion <Version>] [-ReleaseNotes <String[]>] [-Tags <String[]>] [-LicenseUri <Uri>] [-IconUri <Uri>] [-ProjectUri <Uri...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/update-help?view=powershell-7.1 最近工作学习环境从macos转到了windows。macos上有zsh和bash,windows上有cmd和powershell。powershell显然更加现代,所以想熟悉熟悉它的使用。寻求解决方法的盆友直接看分割线后的文字。
AD is just the first of many - so a more generic way to collect all the updated modules in a single zip (a PowerShell 7 Admin PowerPak for WIndows 10?) to simplify. Personally, I got the upgraded modules as part of upgrading to the latest version of Windows 10.Server 2019. But ...
PowerShell $H=Get-Host$Win=$H.UI.RawUI.WindowSize$Win.Height =10$Win.Width =10$H.UI.RawUI.Set_WindowSize($Win) 此命令将 Windows PowerShell 窗口的大小调整为 10 x 10 字符。 示例3:获取主机的 PowerShell 版本 PowerShell (Get-Host).Version Major Minor Build Revision PSSemVerPreReleaseLabel...