PS C:\>Get-PnpDeviceProperty-InstanceId'SWD\PRINTENUM\{E82E5EFD-6616-4E4F-9A96-7D94554A8BF0}'InstanceId KeyName TypeData--- --- --- --- SWD\PRI... DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc String Local Print Queue SWD\PRI... DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds StringList {PRINTENUM\LocalPrintQueue} SWD\...
Clear-SPAppDeniedEndpointList Clear-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb Clear-SPCertificateNotificationContact Clear-SPContentDatabaseSyncData Clear-SPDistributedCacheItem Clear-SPLogLevel Clear-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData Clear-SPPeoplePickerDistributionListSearchDomain Clear-SPPeoplePickerSearchADDomain Cle...
PcNewResourceList 函数 PcNewResourceSublist 函数 PcNewServiceGroup 函数 PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR 结构 PCNOTIFICATION_BUFFER结构 PCPFNEVENT_HANDLER回调函数 PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR 结构 PCPROPERTY_ITEM 结构 PCPROPERTY_REQUEST 结构 PcRegisterAdapterPnpManagement 函数 PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement 函数 ...
HRESULTget_Item( [in] LONG index, [out] BSTR *value ); parameters [in] index 要检索其唯一标识符的设备从零开始的索引。 当从计算机或跨启动会话添加或删除设备时,在 PNP 活动期间,索引值可能会更改。 [out] value 包含与指定索引关联的光盘设备的唯一标识符的字符串。
HRESULT get_Item( [in] LONG index, [out] BSTR *value ); parameters [in] index 要检索其唯一标识符的设备从零开始的索引。 当从计算机或跨启动会话添加或删除设备时,在 PNP 活动期间,索引值可能会更改。 [out] value 包含与指定索引关联的光盘设备的唯一标识符的字符串。 返回值 成功后返回S_OK,但...
IWDFDevice::CommitPnpState method IWDFDevice::ConfigureRequestDispatching method IWDFDevice::CreateDeviceInterface method IWDFDevice::CreateIoQueue method IWDFDevice::CreateRequest method IWDFDevice::CreateSymbolicLink method IWDFDevice::CreateWdfFile method ...
Follow:Installing PnP PowerShell Please clickMark as Best Response&Likeif my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving itLike....
The _item.DeptContactId successfully populates the state with the Id of the user in the person column, but I want the Name not the Id, how would I resolve the Id to the Name? Do I need to use expand, if so how? &num_iid=4459879&&lang=zh-CN&secret= --- Result Object: --- { "item": { "detail_url": "", "taobao_url": "//
microsonic mic+600/D/TC Ultraschallsensor M30,PNP,600mm-6000mm 接近开关 Renold Nr.08B2S26I 2 x 12,70 x 7,75 x 8,51 mm 链扣 Rittal 8614675 ConecPD84-5K03AUArtikel-Nr70935A hydacEDS346-2-016-000变送器变送器Th.NiehuesGmbH parker 650V/015/400/F/00/DISP/UK/RS0 MRW fork light...