问powershell从Get-PnPListItem下载文件EN我是个脚本新手,powershell对我来说是如此的赤裸裸。我的目标是连接到Sharepoint online,并下载上传到特定站点的最新文件。以上的总结都是一些固定位置的配置文件,当然实际中这些路径不一定对,需要你结合.bash_history等信息自己去猜测。前端...
$FilteredItems | ForEach-Object { Write-host ("List Item:{0} was Created on {1}" -f $_["FileLeafRef"],$_["Created"]) } This issue is already raised in PnP GitHub and is still open:https://github.com/pnp/powershell/issues/651 Add ...
foreach($subweb in Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse) { Write-Host "Subweb '$($subweb.Title)'" $context = Get-PnPContext $list = Get-PnPList -Identity "pages" -Web $subweb # <<< Here I need to get hold of current subweb pages $allfiles = $list.RootFolder.Files $context.Lo...
PS C:\>Get-PnpDeviceProperty-InstanceId'SWD\PRINTENUM\{E82E5EFD-6616-4E4F-9A96-7D94554A8BF0}'InstanceId KeyName TypeData--- --- --- --- SWD\PRI... DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc String Local Print Queue SWD\PRI... DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds StringList {PRINTENUM\LocalPrintQueue} SWD\...
ItemCollection 屬性 方法 Append Clear First GetAt GetMany GetView IndexOf InsertAt RemoveAt RemoveAtEnd ReplaceAll SetAt 事件 ItemContainerGenerator ItemsControl ItemsPanelTemplate ItemsPickedEventArgs ItemsPresenter ItemsStackPanel ItemsUpdatingScrollMode ItemsWrapGrid LightDismissOverlayMode ListBox ListBoxItem...
PcNewResourceList 函数 PcNewResourceSublist 函数 PcNewServiceGroup 函数 PCNODE_DESCRIPTOR 结构 PCNOTIFICATION_BUFFER结构 PCPFNEVENT_HANDLER回调函数 PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR 结构 PCPROPERTY_ITEM 结构 PCPROPERTY_REQUEST 结构 PcRegisterAdapterPnpManagement 函数 PcRegisterAdapterPowerManagement 函数 ...
HRESULTget_Item( [in] LONG index, [out] BSTR *value ); parameters [in] index 要检索其唯一标识符的设备从零开始的索引。 当从计算机或跨启动会话添加或删除设备时,在 PNP 活动期间,索引值可能会更改。 [out] value 包含与指定索引关联的光盘设备的唯一标识符的字符串。
Win32_PnPSignedDriver class (Windows) Win32_PowerPlan class (Windows) Win32_PowerSettingElementSettingDataIndex class (Windows) Win32_ServiceSpecification class (Windows) Win32_TypeLibraryAction class (Windows) HCLUSENUM structure (Windows) HNODEENUMEX structure (Windows) IStartMenuPinnedList Flat Sc...
HRESULTget_Item( [in] LONG index, [out] BSTR *value ); parameters [in] index 要检索其唯一标识符的设备从零开始的索引。 当从计算机或跨启动会话添加或删除设备时,在 PNP 活动期间,索引值可能会更改。 [out] value 包含与指定索引关联的光盘设备的唯一标识符的字符串。
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