Get-Module cmdlet 列出了已导入或可导入到 PowerShell 会话中的 PowerShell 模块。 如果没有参数,Get-Module 获取已导入到当前会话中的模块。 ListAvailable 参数用于列出可从 PSModulePath 环境变量($env:PSModulePath)中指定的路径导入的模块。Get-Module 返回的模块对象包含有关该模块的宝贵信息。 还可以通过...
offNamedUntil() //Check in what platform the app is running GetPlatform.isAndroid GetPlatform.isIOS GetPlatform.isMacOS GetPlatform.isWindows GetPlatform.isLinux GetPlatform.isFuchsia //Check the device type GetPlatform.isMobile GetPlatform.isDesktop //All platforms are supported independently in ...
Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 6.0 and later: Oracle Linux: Error "failed to get path uid" with Non-multipathed Devices
mount: path:/mnt/dvd#本地要挂载的目录src: /dev/sr0#远端挂载点目录fstype: iso9660#挂载类型opts: ro,noauto#/etc/fstab参数(默认会写上,不用管他)state: present#开机才挂载,将配置写到自动挂载mounted#直接挂载,并且配置写到自动挂载 (常用)unmounted#取消挂载,但是不清除/etc/fstab自动挂载配置absent#取...
linux command line learn - get the absolute path of a file get the absolute path of a file in linux 1 2 readlink -f filenme[heshuai@login01 3_Variation_calling]$ readlink -f combined_selected_genelist.vcf /data/home/heshuai/CD_diease/3_Variation_calling/combined_selected_genelist.vcf...
Whitespace in bash path with java java.lang.Runtime exception "Cannot run program" Why does Runtime.exec(String) work for some but not all commands? How to save Top command output in a text or csv file in java? Execute bash-command in Java won't give a return ...
Mac/Linux: cli复制 # Set globalPackagesFolder in the user-level config file dotnet nuget config set globalPackagesFolder /home/packages # Set repositoryPath (available for packages.config only) in the user-level config file dotnet nuget config set repositoryPath /home/packages # Set repositoryPa...
NameInRequiredTypeDescription resourceGroupName path True string The name of the resource group. subscriptionId path True string Subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call. vmName path True strin...
Default database path (DFTDBPATH) = /home/db2inst1 Database monitor heap size (4KB) (MON_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC(90) Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB) (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048 Audit buffer size (4KB) (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0 Size of instance shared memory (4KB) (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUT...
A path is a location to a directory or a file. There are two distinct types of paths in Linux - absolute and relative. The relative path is determined using the current working directory. On the other hand, the absolute path is the full path to a file or